
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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I got thrown into a secular prison until I explained the entire God's Not Dead movie timeline (1-4) | Cracked

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KC Green Revisits 'This Is Fine' and His Other Comics Turned Iconic Memes

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This Offensively Unfunny Adrien Brody Bit Got Him Banned From SNL

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If Cryptocurrency Was Honest | Honest Ads

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Grocery Store Customer Grossed Out By Bakery Rat Infestation

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Nick Lutsko's Video for 'Spirit Halloween Planet' is a Hilariously Chaotic Nightmare

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Man Tries To Catch Alligator With A Trash Can, Succeeds

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4 Bonkers Crossover Events That Put Avengers To Shame

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Watch Cracked Fix 4 Movie Dystopias With Math

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Hunk Rescues Sheep From Barbed Wire, Inspiring Thirst & Admiration

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Woman Sparks Controversy By Pushing Her Way Onto Crowded Subway Train

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Cracked Explains How Neighborhood Apps Make Us Worse Neighbors

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New York Driver Prompts Debate After Comical Response To Road Rage

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Man Creepily Tracks Down TikToker’s Home Using His Apartment Lighting

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Watch Your Back, Because Everyone’s Been Practicing Their Fighting Skills For Their Next Bust-Up

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Larry David Attends New York Fashion Week, Is Completely Unimpressed