

A compilation of funny tweets reacting to Twitter Blue

The Funniest Reactions To Twitter Users Paying For Verification

Twitter Blue has arrived
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A compilation of funny memes about programming, programmers, computer science and engineering

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 30, 2022)

This year for Halloween, there are so many ways to dress up as programming concepts. Of course, you could take the easy way out and just dress like a programmer. Get some sweatpants on, put some black makeup under your eyes to make you look even more tired, and you're good to go. You could also go as a 404 error . Wear a white T-Shirt and write “Error 404 Costume Not Found” on it. You could even go as some of the most famous programmers in history. A Steve Jobs costume is classic and perfect fo…
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A compilation of programming memes for programmers and computer scientists

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 16, 2022)

it’s that time of the week again. Time to dive in to some hilarious memes about programming and computer science. If you’re here I’m guessing you probably spent the majority of your day wasting away trying to code something with no real concept of whether it will go well or not. Thank God. We live in a world where our salaries can be salaried and not just based on whether each line of code succeeds or not.
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A compilation of programming and computer science themed memes

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 9, 2022)

One of the most annoying things about being a programmer is the endless barrage of requests from your “friends” and “family” for you to make them a website. These requests are never put in professionally but rather brought up in a guilt-trippy way at random events. Your uncle has a landscaping company and has a website that looks like it would’ve been a victim of Y2K . Good news! Once you’re a programmer, your aunt will ask you to fix it every time you see her for years on end! The worst part i…
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zoom meetings zoom rebranding zoom-team-chat working video conference Memes employees zoom-chat Tech companies funny - 17907717

Funniest Zoom Memes to Secretly Send Your Favorite Coworkers During a Zoom Meeting

This could've been an email...
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A compilation of IT, programming, and computer science memes.

Information Technology Memes For IT Guys

It's IT time! I know what you're wondering: Do you mean IT, the classic Stephen King novel and 2017/2019 films about clowning gone wrong? Absolutely not, you stupid baby! It's IT time as in, the actually important IT, which stands for Information Technology . Now I will be honest with y'all. I am not a diva of the IT or computer science persuasion. I am merely a humble former English major hoping that the STEM kids in the room accept these memes into their hearts. Even if I don't fully understa…
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An article about Twitter discourse surrounding Fake Jobs sparked by a "Day In The Life of a Tech Worker" TikTok

Tech Worker Sparks Outrage For Having a Fake Job

Is there a significant portion of the workplace who have "fake jobs?" They send a couple of emails, sit around with nothing to do, and only exist to fill a seat? This question has been raised on social media with increasing frequency, as "Day In The Life of A [Blank] Worker" videos on platforms such as TikTok have increased in popularity.
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Article about weird future transit video that got roasted on twitter.

UFO Train Hailed as Future of Transportation, Gets Roasted By Engineers

What does the future of public transit hold?
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Apple Is Discontinuing IPods and Nostalgic Internet Users Are Mourning

Every day my boyfriend gets into his car and plugs his old ass iPod into his car. What happens next is up to the tiny, silvery machine - will it be Whitney Houston or harsh noise from Tokyo? You never know. Could be Gloria Estefan. Whatever the tunes, it's nice to be able to use one's phone and listen to music at the same time, a luxury that the iPod permitted. But not anymore. Apple announced yesterday that they're discontinuing their latest iPod Touch model, and retiring the music devices alt…
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rich people, house, home, money, chip, microchip, tiktok, technology, tech , dystopia, controversy

Woman Trolled For Revealing She Has A Microchip Implanted To Unlock Her House

Is this Black Mirror?
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Funny video from Boston Dynamics, robots dancing

Video: Boston Dynamics Shows Off Their Robots' Impressive Dance Skills

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google down, #googledown, gmail down, youtube down, gmail, google, twitter, funny tweets, trending, twitter memes, memes, google crash, crash, technology, tech, technical difficulties | Arnab :) @_l am batman #googledown Me Googling why Google is not working Google Disappointed Cricket Fan | is google working The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

Google Crash Causes Temporary Panic On Twitter

Can't use Gmail? Guess we'll just meme...
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Great Idea

Funny random memes, dank memes, stupid memes, relatable memes, lols | Elon Musk just announced that Tesla cars will soon be able to connect to each other via Bluetooth allowing drivers to communicate and speak with other Tesla drivers nearby Max Schiller
Via u/UnFaZed211
Creepy Twitter thread about how much information Google and Facebook store about you | Dylan Curran @iamdylancurran Want freak yourself out? Il'm gonna show just much information likes Facebook and Google store about without even realising 8:27 PM Mar 24, 2018 64,587 Retweets 93,987 Likes

Unsettling Twitter Thread Illustrates Just How Much Info Big Tech Companies Own About Us

This is very creepy.
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Funny texts about how people went to college before email | did any college work before email? Like did do? If class were cancelled, or there mistake on homework Lol- had walk over room and there would be note on door if at 8 am FACEPALM

College Student Mystified By Tales Of School Before The Internet

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funny tehc memes, mr meme, hackers, computers, technology | stonks meme about technology.  rotating my phone calculator app Tehc. get drafted WW3 but are sent Meme War department Tehc

'Tehc' Memes Are Here For Anyone With Basic Technology Smarts

Have you tried unplugging it?
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