

Informative video about how and why it costs more money to be in poverty

Video Explains Why Life Is More Expensive For Those In Poverty

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Damn that's rough

Funny meme that reads, "Remember, if you feel bad this guy played 'grass' in his school play" above a pic of a kid lying down wearing a green costume
Via sureasyourebornyourenevergoingtoseenounicorn

Eh F*ck It, Summer's Over

Funny meme that reads, "Friend: how's the diet coming along? Me: ..." above a photo of a guy who broke a swing set after sitting on it
Via DKdoesntdie

That'll Really Seal The Deal

Funny Pakalu Papito tweet that reads, "I get ignored so much, my name should be 'terms and conditions'"
Via anlyin
Twitter thread that reveals a heart-wrenching detail about 'The Last Jedi'

A Star Wars Fan Figured Out This Heart-Wrenching Detail From 'The Last Jedi'

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Just Stab Me In The Heart Why Don't You

Funny meme that reads, "What it feels like when my mom finally takes down my macaroni art from kindergarten" above a photo of a teacher erasing a masterpiece chalk drawing from a whiteboard
Via FrozenWasteland

Pretty Depressing

Depressing 'Distracted Boyfriend' meme about how the media is reporting more on Spider-Man than the Amazon rain forest burning
Via JoMan1001
Depressing Twitter reactions about the Amazon rain forest being on fire

The Amazon Rainforest Is Currently On Fire (10 Reactions)

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Funny trending memes entitled 'Glass Book Page Holder'

'Glass Book Page Holder' Is Peak Self-Deprecating Humor (13 Memes)

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Ooog Booog

Funny meme about a caveman that reads, "When your sick cave painting of you killing a sabertooth only gets seven ooga boogas; confused unga bunga"
Via historymememuseum
Memes about depression

21 Lightly Depressing Memes For Those In A Little Rut

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Funny Facebook thread about a dead cat and a troll

Woman Finds Dead Cat And Gets Trolled In This Ridiculous Facebook Thread

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Sad Grumpy Cat pets Death passing funny memes heartbreaking Cats - 8401669

RIP Grumpy Cat, The Internet's Most Beloved Unimpressed Feline

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Funny memes about dating, memes about being single, single life, relationships, tinder, dating apps.

27 Dating Memes & Tweets That Prove You Ain't Struggling Alone

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Medical tweets, sad, emotions.

16 Medical Twitter Stories That'll Take You Straight To Feelsville

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Sad sad memes star wars memes star wars nostalgia chewbacca funny memes Chewie - 8299525

12 Chewbacca Memes That Celebrate The Life Of Peter Mayhew

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