

oppy memes

15 'Oppy' Memes That Celebrate The Life And Legacy Of The Beloved Mars Rover

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*Raises Hand*

Tweet that reads, "Retweet this if your retirement plan is basically 'civilization will probably crumble before I'm 65 and money will be meaningless anyway"
Via meowmeowmix
Funny memes, random memes, space jam, american chopper, animemes, web comics, funny, procrastination, boredom.

30 Entertaining Memes That'll Distract You From The Ennui

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Every Time

Caption that reads, "Me: hey; Crush: ..." above a sign that reads, "Zero percent interest"
Via FishCoffin

Why Yes, That Does Help!

Tumblr post that reads, "Whenever I'm sad I just think about how the Welsh word for microwave is 'popty ping;'" someone comments below, "That...that helps"
Via CodyBurkett

Depression Inception...?

Tweet that reads, "Sometimes I feel like I fake my depression for attention. My depression literally doesn't think it's good enough to be real depression. I got depressed depression"
Via CodyBurkett


Caption that reads, "When people tell you to drop the negative people in your life but you are the negative people in your life" above a stock photo of a guy looking pensive and staring off into the distance
Via Diazepam

Well That's Depressing...

Headline that reads, "Your brain tricks you into seeing yourself five times more attractive in the mirror than you actually are;" someone replies, "This whole time I thought I was just ugly, turns out I'm ugly UGLY lol"
Via oenavia
harry potter

Tumblr Post About Alternate Ending To 'Harry Potter' Brings The Feels

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Good Lord

Tweet that reads, "There's a whole genre of Reddit posts where teens ask how to get vaccinated without their parents consenting. Just. Just so you know, that's a thing"
Via monkeyspanker

Get Your Sh*t Together

Depressing comic with instructions on how to make sushi
Via battenburgers


Tweet that reads, "Valentine's Day is approaching! What y'all getting?" someone replies below, "A snap from Team Snapchat"
Via meowmeowmix


Tweet that reads, "A pet rock is a fun pet until you realize that it's essentially immortal and you've damned it to an eternity of watching its loved ones die"
Via JustAWeirdLoser

Yeah, It's Just Not Right

Tweet that reads, "'I sold an hour of my life for $13' doesn't sound nearly as good as 'I make $13/hour'"
Via brahmstalker

Works Every Time!

Fake sign telling you to try yelling if you're feeling angry or stressed out
Via BillBurrForDictator2020

Oh Well!

Text conversation that reads, "Sorry things didn't work out between us, I wish you all the best. But...the best is me, so I guess it sucks to be you"
Via VonKarmanVortexStreet

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