

The Party Is Clearly Over

Funny dank meme that reads, "Doctor: the online tests you've taken are not enough to diagnose you with depression; 14-year-old Billie Eilish fans: ..." above a still of a kid wearing eyeliner saying, "That's impossible..."
Via Amophixx
Depressing Twitter thread about the high costs of paying for a college or graduate education in the United States | tweet by Grandpa_Rufus had mine down about $26 unable continue payments and now its $50k am glad they can add thousands fees federally back loan never goes away

Depressing Twitter Thread Details The High Costs Of Education In America

This is bleak.
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Funny, sad, and depressing memes and tweets | spongebob reading a piece of paper then using it to stoke a fire: can't sit under hot water shower 74 minutes and pretend 's self care instead dealing with problems. homer simpson comforting bart: 2019 This is worst year my life. This is worst year life so far

Sad Memes To Kick That Seasonal Affective Disorder Into Gear

Have some memes, you sad sacks!
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I Feel Like This Every Day

Funny meme that reads, "Anyone else only in their 20s but feel like they are running out of time to get their life together??" above a photo of a sad guy lying on a couch
Via ineedanapandacat
Funny fail memes

Fail-y Memes For The Losers And Screw-Ups

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Omg Sad

Funny meme where someone googles why no one came to their birthday party, and the FBI shows up
Via vimalmuru02


Funny meme that reads, "Sorry I can't come all my clothes look stupid on me" above a photo of Kermit the Frog looking sad out of a window
Via BulletProofMarshmellow

Oh Look It's Me

Cute meme of a guy representing "my crush" holding a dog, which represents "not me" with a sad cat in the background that represents "me"
Via ToBeanOrNotToBean

No One Loves Me

Funny meme that reads, "When you don't get the same energy back that you give" above pics of a girl sitting with a balloon and the same balloon, deflated
Via LeoSenior
Funny dank memes that roast Billie Eilish's "sad" music

Nineteen Memes That Roast Billie Eilish's 'Sad' Music

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Sad Day

Funny meme that reads, "When you see a crunchy leaf on the ground and you step on it only to find out it wasn't crunchy" above a stock photo of a guy looking sad drinking a beer
Via brizz101
Girl fired after revealing how Panera's mac and cheese is made.

Girl Gets Fired After Revealing The Truth About Panera's Mac And Cheese

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Funny and depressing memes

Moderately Depressing Memes For Sad People

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Funny meme that reads, "Politicians: the planet isn't that hot; the planet: ..." above a photo of a metal slide in the summer
Via SadRubberDuckyy
Funny and depressing memes

Moderately Sad Memes For Those In A Lil Funk

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Depressing tweets about very expensive medical bills paid in the US

Disheartened Americans Reveal The Astronomical Medical Bills They've Received

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