
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Cringey Tough Guys With Delusions of Grandeur

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Insightful Thread Reveals How People Improved Their Lives With Simple Changes

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Redditors Advise On All The Things Young People Need To Know

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Funny Things That Feel Wrong But Are Technically True

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Reddit Moderator Gets Roasted for Taking Role Way Too Seriously

Wholesome, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Faith In Humanity, Random Acts of Kindness | Gus Constantellis @ConstantlyGus exercising on my balcony and someone stopped at red light got out their car and started working out with did jumping jacks, pointed at each other, and laughed. He got back his car and drove off most human connection l've had 17 days | Panda caretakers disguise teach baby panda live wild.

20+ Loving People Who Restored Our Faith In Humanity

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Redditors Reflect On ‘Heroic’ Characters Who Deserve A Fall From Grace

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30+ Amusing Reddit Posts Without Context

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Non-American Ponders Whether The USA Is As Bad As Reddit Makes It Out To Be

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Guy Pressures Fiancé Into Open Relationship, Gets Angry When She Sleeps With Someone Else

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Reddit Drags Creepy Guy for Hiding in Girlfriend's Closet to Spy on Her

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20 Vehicular Idiots Who Shouldn't Be Allowed to Drive

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Heartwarming Reminders That People Can Be Pretty Cool Sometimes

Askreddit thread about shady and sketchy secrets from various professions | hopefulcynicx 9h markup on glasses (specifically frames) is stupid ridiculous can buy frame 4, then turn around sell 160. Lenses too lenses cost us under $10 can easily be marked up 100 mean business is business but taking advantage people who can't see is sorta shitty lol Reply 950

30+ People Share Shady Secrets From Their Industries

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Kafkaesque Posts From the Boring Dystopia We Call Earth

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Sobering Thread Reminds Us That Being Poor Is Damn Expensive