
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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People Share the Dumb & Weird Things They'll Never Do Again

woosh, wooshed, funny, reddit, youtube comments, dumb jokes, satire, humor, sarcasm, didn't get the joke, gullible, fail, embarrassing

Literal-Brained People Who Were Wooshed by Stupid Memes

in laws, family, christmas, vacation, rich people, wtf, am i the asshole, aita, reddit thread, reddit, relationships

Woman Excluded From Christmas With In-Laws, Still Expected to Pack Husband's Luggage

anatomy, sex, women, men, bad anatomy, funny comments, stupid people, reddit, facepalm, cringe, sexism, orgasm, memes, funny, human body | is worse than broken heart? Menstrual pain, homelessness, hunger etc. As guy think menstrual pain is myth | Hello girls just wanted some opinions on do really worried am wanting another baby but had my placenta taken out my daughter born does this mean can't have any more children or do need placenta transplant? Thankyou, Tia xx O Like Comment

Dumb People Who Have Zero Understanding Of Human Anatomy

The best bad two sentence horror stories from Reddit, tweets, twitter, lol, humor, fail

Two-Sentence Horror Stories That Need a Bit of Work

death, dying, dumb, stupid, weird, mundane, life, living, reddit, askreddit

People Recount The Dumbest Ways That They Nearly Died

relationship, aita, breastfeeding, husband, wife, mom, mother in law, asshole, parenting, baby

Douchey Husband Gets Roasted For Trying To Stop Wife Breastfeeding

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Straight Men Express How They'd Feel If Their Girl Acted Dominant

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Stinky Feet And Slippery Floors Ruin One Woman’s Impromptu OB-GYN Appointment

Funny memes and tweets with spicy punchlines, funny

Memes & Tweets With Spicy Plot Twists

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Self-Deprecating Times People Roasted Themselves With Precision

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Doomers Ponder The Scariest Theories Known To Man

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Devious Thread Mulls Over The Worst $100 Christmas Gift To Buy

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Gamer Admits She Only Plays Call of Duty to Get Laid

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Ridiculous Tale Of Dumb Office Cat Wins Hearts, Brings Wild Revelations

Stories about Worst dating experiences reddit

Scarred People Share Their All-Time Worst Dating Experiences