Señor GIF


Soccer. Not to be mistaken with football or any other random ball sports. A gentleman's sport full of goals dips dives cries and whistles. If you dream to bend it like Beckham, then get a laugh at these hilarious soccer jokes and puns.


futbol Image Netherlands soccer Spain sports vuvuzela world cup - 3676072448

Epic Self Shot

FAIL gifs Image soccer sports - 5850722560

Ouch My Nards

FAIL gifs Image my nards ouch soccer - 6203377152

Juggling is Useful in Soccer

sports gifs soccer funny - 7742794496

Everyone Has Their Own Reason For Working Out

Via Railroad Software

Little Boy Celebrates After Scoring an Impressive Goal

sports gifs kids cute soccer funny - 7486033920

Still Moving

ouch FAIL gifs soccer fall - 8193015040
Via Google

Soccer is Truly For Everyone

critters ball gifs turtles soccer - 8247838464

Nice Scorpion Kick Save!!!

gifs soccer kick epic win sports Image - 6636869632
Created by ToolBee

Hey Come On, Guy

gifs world cup soccer - 8237649152
Via Bing


gifs humpday jk mascots sad but true soccer - 4925697536

This is How to Not Use a Stretcher

FAIL gifs soccer - 8257559808

A Field-Day With Boateng

mindwarp gifs soccer - 8490222848
Created by ToolBee

Whacky Soccer

balls bouncing crazy gifs Image soccer sports wtf - 5813511936

Because I'm Worth It...

gifs fight soccer - 7107710720
Created by ToolBee

The Ultimate Fake Out

gifs soccer flips win - 7085065472
Created by Bringn_THE_Heat