
Jumping up and down like there is no tomorrow. Bungie your way through your day with these buoying memes and jokes that will have you leaping up for joy. Don't confine yourself to a chair all day, give yourself a break and shake it off and jump all around with these hopping memes puns and jokes.

ouch FAILS parkour gifs jumping - 7346552064

How Most People Do Parkour

fatty gifs gross jumping ouch rage wrestling wwf - 4662348288


Cats Caturday creepy eyes gifs Image jumping the shining - 5681842432

Heeerz Johnny

gifs kitties tails Cats jumping - 7347485696

Just Playing Catch Your Tail

athletics gifs gym Image jumping parkour win - 5800190976

Parkour Gym

gif of man attempting to jump over a golf cart and getting his pants caught on the way

Jumping Over a Golf Cart Fail

gifs Cats funny jumping - 7793531392

I Think He Wants In

kicks gifs win jumping - 7303209472

This Guy Can Kick It

gifs jumping ninjas win skateboarding - 8021108224

Skateboarding Ninja

FAIL gifs Image jumping ouch parkour - 5254632448

Parkour Fail

gifs lasers Cats jumping - 7992384512

Kittens Hop For Laser Rings

Cats Caturday cool gifs Image jumping kitten mirrors - 6187756032

Slow Motion Kitten Symmetry

Cats Caturday gifs Image jumping slow motion - 6217525504

Jumping Cat in Slow Motion

critters gifs Image jumping puns shark yikes - 5553965312

Jump the Shark

dogs rope gifs jumping - 8416480000

Concern For This Dog's Well-Being

critters gifs funny jumping otters - 7906726656

This Otterly Funny