

Jumping up and down like there is no tomorrow. Bungie your way through your day with these buoying memes and jokes that will have you leaping up for joy. Don't confine yourself to a chair all day, give yourself a break and shake it off and jump all around with these hopping memes puns and jokes.

That Scene With the Stairs Was Really Just a Testament to Her Amazing Flexibility!

exercise gifs Hall of Fame jumping literalism lolwut Movie poster similar sounding - 6018311168
Via Ninja Text

Sarah Jessica Parkour

horse jumping sarah jessica parker similar sounding surname - 5893788928
Created by xyzpdq1

I Couldn't Have Put it Better Myself

bus jumping like Like a Boss literalism meme similar sounding - 4690575104


bridge FAIL goodbye jumping literalism suicide watch - 4535316992

Bungie Jumping!

logo literalism company double meaning jumping - 6787527936
Created by SunsetSovereign