
Jumping up and down like there is no tomorrow. Bungie your way through your day with these buoying memes and jokes that will have you leaping up for joy. Don't confine yourself to a chair all day, give yourself a break and shake it off and jump all around with these hopping memes puns and jokes.

GIF of a deer jumping right over the hood of a speeding car on the highway, without anyone or anything getting hurt or damaged.

Highway Olympics Gold Medal

box Cats Caturday gifs Image jumping mindwarp - 5645208576

Moebius Cat

critters flying gifs Image jumping ram sheep sheeple - 6007964928

Flying Ram

critters gifs jumping rabbits - 8083618560

Rabbit Goes Through The Hurdles

fear gifs bananas Cats funny jumping - 7457306112

Such a Brave Cat

Cats Caturday epic gifs Image jumping ladders - 6254272000

Cats Don't Need Ladders

acrobatics epic gifs Image jumping movie magic Movies and TV - 5671056640

Dazzling Acrobatics

gifs critters cute lambs funny jumping - 7835840000

Lambs Celebrating, Being Lambs

gifs Cats jumping - 8312989440

One Hyper Cat

Cats Caturday creepy eyes gifs Image jumping the shining - 5681842432

Heeerz Johnny

sea lions gifs fish funny jumping - 7412376576

Sea Lion Jumps in Kayak for a Light Lunch

FAIL gifs windows Cats jumping - 8108914944

Window is Closed for Business

gifs penguins critters funny jumping - 7797537536

Penguin Problems

dogs gifs pugs jumping - 8486166528

A Pug's Jumps Aren't As Graceful

gifs funny jumping whoa water - 7919366144

He's Gotta Catch His Plane

critters cute gifs jumping lamb - 4771036928
