Rage Comics


Everyone Slows Down Until They Pass the Cop

Traffic Jam cops speeding ticket funny police traffic - 7485745152

What the Hell Did I Just Read?

wtf eww funny - 8299264256

Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride... Hmm, Interesting...

shampoo bathroom toilet funny - 7490102528

Living on the Breadline

broke so close debit card funny - 7484498944
Created by djdusty

I Was Wondering Why Everyone Seemed So Small

you dont say funny - 7502725120

Sometimes I Get Carried Away...

school me gusta ninjas funny truancy story - 7435954688
Created by freshbru

My Dog is More of a Northern European Renaissance Type

dogs art puking Okay funny - 7522552320

Joker Loved Kool-Aid

kool aid batman funny - 8479427840

Use Your Blinker BEFORE the Light Turns!

red light stop light funny traffic - 7495258112

Web MD Is Always Right

kids sick funny - 8477252352

You Guys Need Therapy...

facebook friends facebook funny - 7443911424

Twitter: Srs Bsns

twitter are you kidding me funny - 7457840384

Cereal Guy and Newspaper Guy Trade Places

cereal guy newspaper guy funny - 7511049728

My Brain Likes for Me to Suffer

ex girlfriend scumbag brain relationships funny dating breakups - 7461067264
Created by xxscioccoxx

I Now Officially Hate My School

yolo school yearbook funny truancy story - 7511074048

Hot, Sweaty Feet Rage!

sweet jesus funny - 7482642176
Created by mrSkinnyJeans08