Rage Comics

computer guy

Nope nothing...

Challenge Accepted computer guy - 7802430720
Created by purpletaco01

Lookie Here!

pink floyd thumbs up computer guy - 7831264768

Flies Are Always Trolling

rage trollface computer guy flies - 8002849792

Forgetfulness Rage

computer guy fire stove - 7964486144

Why, YouTube Uploader? Why?

computer guy youtube - 8157961472
Created by Yourfavoritelolcat

Thanks For the Spoilers!

computer guy google spoiler table flipping - 8174711808
Created by Jumbojuusto

Wait...Google Uses Internet Now?

the internets genius computer guy google - 8285390848
Created by SirDrPeanut123


studying homework moms parenting computer games computer guy loading - 7210059520
Created by karandesai777

Thanks For Letting Me Know, Facebook!

computer guy facebook justin bieber - 7978859520
Created by blueboye

WebMD Strikes Again

webmd adopted sick computer guy - 7558253312
Created by BWFV1994

Steam Troll

computer guy trollface steam video games - 7967594240
Created by SirPufferstien1

Hopefully Next Monday Morning is Equally Exciting For You

meta Okay aww yea computer guy - 8120395008
Created by Derp1231234

What Was That Sound?

computer guy creepypasta - 8078046208
Created by Whalter

Has Your Friend Ever Said Something So Stupid...

homework facepalm friends meta computer guy - 8092747008
Created by Bobby_Joe

And That's Why I'm Forever Alone

meta computer guy table flipping - 6533806592
Created by KostakiosK

Faith in Humanity Restored

grammar faith in humanity restored computer guy - 7729789952
Created by fighuasss