Rage Comics

computer guy

Watch It, They Said...

miley cyrus oh god why no computer guy - 7763965184

Do Only the Downvoters Comment?

comments meta oh god why computer guy - 8054381056
Created by TheRealTonyStark

Spend Your Time Wisely!

time school aww yeah weekend computer guy - 8555995136
Created by mrstacocat

Dat Logic

kids moms logic computer guy - 8014285056
Created by Komega

Scumbag Tumblr

computer guy tumblr what have you done table flipping Sherlock - 7981710336

I Must(ache) Concentrate

mustaches funny computer guy - 7536928000
Created by Konfucius


projects rage computer guy - 8013481984

I'm Invisible!

computer guy Memes - 7966593792
Created by Foolproofboy

That WAS My Favorite Song

Songs Music computer guy - 6541812992

That "I Forgot I Had Class 10 Minutes Ago" Feel

classes college computer guy - 7728020992

Dat Trackpad

minecraft computer guy - 7825079808

International Rage

rage netflix computer guy - 8018435328

He'll Never Work in the Tech Field

rage computer computer guy - 8119827456
Created by CrazyCalvinWilliams

WebMD Strikes Again

webmd adopted sick computer guy - 7558253312
Created by BWFV1994

An Alternative Form of Nutrition

forever alone sunlight computer guy - 7847916288

Working Late

boss computer guy work table flipping - 6534077696
Created by MEJO80