

And to Think, She Was Putin Up Such Strong Performances Before

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Created by Schtulin

If You Own Titanic.com, You'd Best Watch Out!

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Created by djrcreative

You're Gonna Get Wingdinged for That Offense

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Created by Raptor2213 ( Via Escapist Magazine )


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Good Ol' Joe

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Via Reddit

It Even Has a Pond!

David Tennant Hall of Fame homophone literalism surname - 6156204032


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Ernest Lemmingway

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Via Reddit

This Could Only Be Better Under One Circumstance...

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Created by xyzpdq1

Iron-Strength Coffee With Rich Undertonys

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Created by LeSparta

Jon Hamm

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It's Still Difficult to Tell the Difference...

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Created by pcrackenhead

Captain Jack Sparrow

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Via Reddit

With and Without

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Created by xyzpdq1

That Doesn't Seem Physically Possible...

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Created by Unknown

At One Point He Was Gary Middleagedman

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Created by ScienceDog