
star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

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Badly Explained Movie Plots That Are Technically True

Spoilers that aren't really spoilers
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The Original Character Sketches for Star Wars

bark characters chewbacca drum Han Solo Image obi-wan kenobi r2d2 similar sounding star wars - 5682189312
Created by evanbirn

These Are Not the Licks You're Looking For

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SMP CLASSIC: It's a Little Chewy

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Created by StarFireKitty666

... But Do They Support IPv6?

abbreviation double meaning Image lan literalism obi-wan kenobi star wars - 5695785984
Created by megmond

No, Really, It's a Trap!

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Created by xyzpdq1


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This Isn't the Bar You're Looking For

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Jango Unchained

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Created by thenameless1 ( Via Alicia Rose Bane )

LEGO Star Wars

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Created by Vane_275


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Alternatively, You Could Just Use Force Lightning

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Created by LOLdogexpert

Vader Vs. Slenderman

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That Compact Pressure Cooker Sure Uses a Lot of Force...

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Created by GordonF28


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