
star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

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Stephen Fry is a Star Warrior

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I Can't Believe It's Not Midi-chlorians!

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You Finally Got it Right!

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Created by cptnknork


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Help Me Obi-Pun Kenobi...

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Created by Unknown

Weighing in on a Forceful Matter

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Created by Regrubezeehc


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Created by Unknown


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Created by Unknown

A Mashup Made in Heaven

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Created by pedretta


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Created by cptnknork

It's a Von Trapp!

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Created by _AfterDarkness_

Darth Claus is Coming to Town...

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Created by Unknown

The Trio is Also Known as Han-son

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Via The Chris Monster

Paul Newman Would Be Jealous

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Dank Memes, Random Memes, Funny Memes, Spicy Memes, Relatable Memes, Nerdy Memes | almost had heart attack this morning dog with stripes of shadow falling on its fur looking like a tiger | kukukraut 3h 1 Award Interesting fact: Betty White used be Betty Grey until she fought Balrog and reborn.

40 Zesty Memes For The Bitter Soul

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