

Everything is Sexy

context double meaning facebook Hall of Fame innuendo literalism misinterpretation pickup lines - 5710868224
Via Punblr


abbreviation bus cereal Hall of Fame homophone literalism misinterpretation serial USB - 4977488896

Does What it Says on the Sign

double meaning instruction language laundry misinterpretation sign - 4963551488
Created by xyzpdq1

Think Big. No, Bigger. Wait, Too Big. Reign it in a Bit, Will Ya?

idea idiom misinterpretation literalism double meaning - 6818630400
Via Poorly Drawn Lines


ass donkey double meaning literalism misinterpretation mistake - 5331923200


dice double meaning homophone literalism misinterpretation tie - 4591814144
Created by SpikeDawg

Such Was His Delivery From Evil

double meaning free Hall of Fame literalism misinterpretation pizza promise - 5588269312
Via Octopuns

We Laughed! We Cried! We Were Ashamed!

Awkward bag Hall of Fame ICWUDT lolwut misinterpretation - 6462189312
Via Reddit

Will Smith's Career Takes a Hot New Turn

question surname answer misinterpretation double meaning will smith black - 7002000384
Created by MasuHUN

Your Wish is My Command

parking literalism double meaning snarky misinterpretation - 6684102912
Via Bizarro Comics

Or Perhaps Very Right

doing it right doing it wrong grammar literalism misinterpretation spelling - 5238718720
Created by chickenscientist

Feeling Wanted

wanted feels feeling misinterpretation literalism flashback reminiscing double meaning i know that feel - 6745899776
Created by Eliisa ( Via Valleycats )

He's a Very Obedient Boy

double meaning go Hall of Fame literalism misinterpretation outside play - 5251867648
Created by StormPooperSmith ( Via editorialcartoonists.com )


double meaning forever alone friends misinterpretation rage comic Rage Comics show television - 4949718272

Let's Just Hope it Doesn't Get Lost in Customs...

double meaning emotional Hall of Fame literalism misinterpretation - 5703014912
Via Gemma Correll

And How Does Timmy's Proclivity for Falling Down Wells Make You Feel?

double meaning Hall of Fame help misinterpretation order psychiatrist request - 5953508352
Via Something Changed