

Innuendo, if you know what I mean. Just make sure you get the gist of these before you enter, you might be in for a "surprise".

Oh, and Her Bewbs Are Nice Too

double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo literalism Owl owls side by side - 6323680512
Created by xyzpdq1

Woah! Chill Out, Harry!

Harry Potter comeback innuendo double entendre - 7000163072


Awkward fap innuendo prefix similar sounding - 4777388544
hugh laurie innuendo insinuation puns Video - 13002241


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Just Let Me Know When You're Going to Crumb

cliché double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame hot innuendo inside literalism toast want - 5158984960
Created by xyzpdq1

It Does Look Pretty Easy to Get to Her End

double entendre double meaning end innuendo maze new outfit - 4699620096
Created by Rudedawwg


ariel bra c explanation homophone innuendo sea The Little Mermaid - 4577102848


came double meaning innuendo meeting mistake too soon - 4505163776
Created by apollogesus


double meaning innuendo literalism misinterpretation mistake misunderstanding - 5126148864

The Hidden Cons of Prophylactics

Hall of Fame headline innuendo load newspaper spill truck - 5967371264
Via Punblr

Oh Grindr, You So Cray!

double entendre Hall of Fame homophone innuendo peer pressure pier typo - 6462561280
Via Punblr

Believe Me, I Do!

ellen page like innuendo double meaning - 6932482048
Created by jadhamizan

Let's Hope She Doesn't Respond Negatively to That Line

pickup line innuendo film double meaning - 7042507264
construction double meaning innuendo literalism Video - 33215233

The Handymen Know How to Handle a Pun

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SMP CLASSIC: ... But Not a Hairy One

camel innuendo toe misinterpretation literalism double meaning classic - 6752020480
Created by Hypotherm

Mine is Not...

body innuendo uranus - 6600728576
Created by benhuh