

Innuendo, if you know what I mean. Just make sure you get the gist of these before you enter, you might be in for a "surprise".

Gives New Meaning to 'Going Commando'

catchphrase double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo - 6218439936
Created by pedretta

That is Perhaps What She Uttered At One Point

innuendo double entendre stone double meaning - 6767850496

Sorin, Lord of Pickup Lines

magic the gathering innuendo tap double entendre double meaning - 7067081216

Wall I'll Be Damned

double entendre double meaning innuendo laid literalism - 6441333504
Created by PetePete

Female Dogs...

innuendo hoe literalism homophone double meaning - 6955812096
Created by Mistform

Does That Mean He's Being Optimus Primal?

double meaning innuendo literalism optimus prime playing self transformers - 6608258560
Created by xyzpdq1

Everything is Sexy

context double meaning facebook Hall of Fame innuendo literalism misinterpretation pickup lines - 5710868224
Via Punblr

SMP CLASSIC: ... But Not a Hairy One

camel innuendo toe misinterpretation literalism double meaning classic - 6752020480
Created by Hypotherm


alcohol bar beer booze flirting innuendo - 4111427840
Created by Plegadis


double meaning innuendo literalism triple meaning - 5492806912
Created by mattbcha1

Touché, Splendid Accident

came double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo literalism SOON too - 5382485248
Created by Dopamina815 ( Via Cyanide & Happiness )


ariel bra c explanation homophone innuendo sea The Little Mermaid - 4577102848

Woah! Chill Out, Harry!

Harry Potter comeback innuendo double entendre - 7000163072

Will BLB Ever Catch a Break?

innuendo - 6624493312
Created by adrian03


getting innuendo nails sign - 4015531008


came double meaning innuendo meeting mistake too soon - 4505163776
Created by apollogesus
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