
Harry Potter

Wizardry Makes Driving Affordable!

Harry Potter gas petroleum wizard - 7135493632

Harry Potter and the Salamander of Azkaban

Harry Potter movies puns - 7997374208

Hairy Legs

hairy Harry Potter literalism homophone harry double meaning puns double entendre bad pun - 6764197632
Via Emotionally-Inspired

This Car Has a Sweet Spoiler!

car double meaning dumbledore Hall of Fame Harry Potter literalism snape spoiler - 6352397824
Via Punblr

After the Termites Got To it, It Doubled As a Deathly Hollow

door double meaning dumbledore Hall of Fame Harry Potter literalism prefix - 5659021312
Via Epic Ponyz

Bet You Didn't Realize Superman Was Black!

Harry Potter sirius black serious homophone quote superman - 7138835968

Woah! Chill Out, Harry!

Harry Potter comeback innuendo double entendre - 7000163072


Hall of Fame Harry Potter Indiana Jones literalism quote similar sounding snake snakes snape - 5028667648
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