
Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.

All That's Missing is Nyan

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Via iprefercups.tumblr.com

You Know He'll Be a Quality Employee

Hall of Fame koala literalism prefix puns similar sounding - 6157402880
Via Reddit

Whale, Whale, Whale...

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Word Choice Matters

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Via Life is Story

Okay, I Admit It, I Don't Understand.

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Created by Unknown

Talk About Censor-y Deprivation

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Created by CocoLAsticot


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I Sympathize With This Cranky Cup o' Joe

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Created by xyzpdq1 ( Via Gemma Correll )

South of the Border On So Many levels

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Created by xyzpdq1

Yarrrrr We Do

answer car Hall of Fame Pirate question sound - 4886236928
Via kylebustin.tumblr.com

I Don't Think This Right is Limited to Soviet Russia...

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Try the Regurgitated Jay, Etc.

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Via Pleated Jeans

Oh Zapp Brannigan, You Slay Me!

futurama Hall of Fame homophone two - 6129149952
Via A.S.B.

I Bet it's Gonna Be a Pretty Stellar Get-Together!

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Via Arseniic


bees boo double meaning Hall of Fame literalism trick trolling - 4987224832