
Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.


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Snow White and the Seven-Day Service

camera double meaning film Hall of Fame homophone prince prints snow white - 6185584384
Created by PrincessWordplay

Awww, You Two and Your Flat-tery!

compliments double meaning flat Hall of Fame literalism Music natural notes - 6488841216
Via Punblr

A Beautiful Alliance

chocolate Hall of Fame literalism milk - 4853034752
Created by xyzpdq1


beat beats beet beets double meaning dubstep Hall of Fame homophone literalism - 4707324160

And I Queen?

double meaning Hall of Fame i will kate middleton literalism misinterpretation royal wedding will - 5290639360
Created by georgia.mason

This Theory Lent Credence Thanks to Monty Python

came camelot Hall of Fame innuendo pr0n similar sounding - 6014084096
Via Reddit

... And Then What?

bar cliché Hall of Fame into joke literalism Memes puns running - 5253176320
Created by becky0790

Maybe He's Just a Little Curious!

bear bipolar double meaning Hall of Fame literalism polar polar bear - 6019041024
Created by mondaypunday ( Via Monday Punday )

Molar Bear

bear Hall of Fame literalism molar polar polar bear similar sounding - 5195396864
Created by Anonymous


chemical double meaning Hall of Fame literalism reaction - 5541042176

We Found An Angle On a Slopeless Plane?

Hall of Fame lyrics parody rhymes rhyming song - 5658658048

It's Truly a Ceaseless Activity

double meaning gifs Hall of Fame literalism lmfao lyric Party Rock Anthem quote song - 5734058240


aladdin disney Hall of Fame homophones literalism lyrics magikarp Pokémon ride song - 5452037376

The Fastest Way to Transfer Files

double meaning drive flash Hall of Fame literalism the flash - 5882167296
Created by xyzpdq1