

We're just having a friendly conversation. Though you never know when auto correct will strike next. So double check every word, and have a laugh at some people who should have made sure they said what they meant.

Sea You Soon!

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Created by Unknown

Fishy Conversations

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Via Reddit

The Hobbit: Some Unexpected Puns

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Created by rag218


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I Always Take These Kind of Jokes for Pomegranate

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Created by skateboarddog


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Such an Exploitable Name

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'The Best Joke Ever!' (?)

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Ugh, Your Ideas Are Always So Coconuts!

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Tree's a Crowd

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Tree's a Crowd

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Created by Voldemort

Maybe you have Lupin?

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SMP CLASSIC: Haha! Taxidermy!

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These Fish Jokes Need to Sease at Once!

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