

We're just having a friendly conversation. Though you never know when auto correct will strike next. So double check every word, and have a laugh at some people who should have made sure they said what they meant.

And to Think, This is Just a Short Excerpt!

conversation double meaning facebook literalism short variations on a theme - 6348066304
Created by Elegy96


conversation facebook flat iphone minor Music music theory scale sharp status status update update - 4534022656


conversation facebook Hall of Fame hashtag rhyming status status update trolling update variations on a theme white - 5043069696

Gettin' Real Serious Up in This House Right Now...

conversation correction deer ewe FAIL failure lolwut pun - 4844769024
Created by Kyle Stewart ( Via www.housepetscomic.com )

Fishy Conversations

answer conversation double meaning fish literalism question - 6321161984
Via Reddit

Such an Exploitable Name

conversation homophones loki name The Avengers - 6431573248
Via Hotchkiss Comics


Awkward cat conversation homophones literalism lolwut paws - 4344813056
Created by WalkingE


conversation Hall of Fame latte literalism similar sounding tea teasing - 4942117376
A funny conversation about trolling a gift card scammer. | 4:44 PM Hello are doing? Hey Aunt Christine l'm doing well thank is everyone doing there can now call each other and see information like Active Status and read messages. Doing wonderfully great. Hope everything is going on fine with Yep can't complain stationed San Diego. My wife and kids are back Va

Man Trolls Gift Card Scammer For Hours

Well done, my dude.
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Tree's a Crowd

Forest trees variations on a theme conversation facebook - 6767221248
funny and sad tinder moments

19 Funny and Sad Moments from the Wild World of Tinder

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NHOT Having a Giraffe

animals conversation elephant giraffes Hall of Fame koala literalism similar sounding - 6250946560
Created by _AfterDarkness_
texts between guy and girl where the guy asks to see pic of the girl'a body

Guy Relentlessly Asks Girl For Nudes But She Gets Him With Saucy Onslaught of Chicken Puns

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Maybe you have Lupin?

conversation facebook Hall of Fame Harry Potter status status update - 5449113344
Created by RJ

Tree's a Crowd

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Created by Voldemort

Potatebook: A Place for Spuds

conversation facebook potato potatoes variations on a theme - 6420883456
Created by scooter71
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