

Hey can I ass you a question? What's the big deal? Well if you're here already, check out the quality merchandise, and I don't mean the rear. Anything and anything having to do with the ass in all it's forms will be here to satisfy your cravings.

At Least He Urned His Title

ash ass comic Hall of Fame literalism longform similar sounding - 6263342848
Created by generalking ( Via Evil Inc. )

Bass, Bass it Up!

ass bass fish similar sounding variations on a theme - 6576413696
Via Reddit

A Giant Catastrophe

giant cat ass trophy catastrophe homophones literalism double meaning puns - 6705440256
Via Reddit
half literalism ass double meaning Video - 43928065

Mules Are So Half-Ass

View Video

He's Just Callin' 'Em As He Sees 'Em

ass birds donkey double meaning literalism - 5013747200
Created by Formyyaoi
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