

Gettin' Real Serious Up in This House Right Now...

conversation correction deer ewe FAIL failure lolwut pun - 4844769024
Created by Kyle Stewart ( Via www.housepetscomic.com )

I Don't Think This Right is Limited to Soviet Russia...

arms bear FAIL Hall of Fame lolwut order right second amendment Soviet Russia switch twist - 5199395328
funny madlads jokes and weird pranks | AA mobile.twitter.com Home My kid being brat so de marshmallowed his lucky charms bag of plain cereal

Mad Lads Who Played By Their Own Rules

These lads are mad!
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bridge FAIL goodbye jumping literalism suicide watch - 4535316992
A collection of basic skills that people are completely terrible at.

Basic Skills People Are Completely Terrible At

We all have our weak spots.
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I'll Falcon Kick You in the FACE for Not Knowing How to Spell Falcon!

double meaning FAIL football literalism team - 5531347200
Created by RDbrony16
People describe the biggest plot holes that they've ever come across. | IntroGeist 22h 1 Award Incredibles happened Supervillains after Superheroes became illegal? They just disappeared no reason, No one could stop them now so they would obviously do more crime. But they're gone

Biggest Plot Holes That Haunt People

Plot holes can drive one insane.
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Entitled family member drops in out of the blue and expects earrings back from years ago. | Hi have two gold earrings gave long time ago actually feel guilty giving them because they are inky memory have my uncle who gave them If dont wear do still them anymore, can have them back, as would like keep them and not sure why even gave them or did lend them

Family Member Expects Earrings Back From Years Ago, Reality Check Ensues

It was over 10 years ago.
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Maybe Your Content Just Needs a Better Host

double meaning FAIL failure go going Hall of Fame literalism virus - 6018063616
Via Med School Sketches
funny and stupid DIY failures | toilet seat cover with a chunk taken off it to fit it next to a wall | stairs leading up to nowhere blocked by the ceiling

Weird, Bad and Absurd DIY Situations

Looks, uh, done.
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Ruh Roh, That Wasn't a Scooby Snack?

scooby doo news FAIL fire puns - 8008988416


advertising college FAIL friedrich nietzsche off-rhyme Pronunciation - 4400107008
Guy ends up beating a Craigslist scammer at their own game | r/ProRevenge u/Oregonlost Beat craigslist scammer at his own game. So hunting rental house valentines day weekend and wasn't finding much, so popped into local Craigslist page and found place at decent but very believable price. No contact info or website, so T emailed through Craigslist relay, everything sounds legit up until he asks pay using

Guy Beats Craigslist Scammer At Their Own Game

Too easy.
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Gnarly red flags that students noticed in their classes.

Red Flags Students Noticed With Terrible Classes

Sometimes you've got to peace out.
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People describe the plot holes that are so big you could drive trucks through them | Trevor-On-Reddit 3d 6 Awards Every Christmas movie where no one believes Santa but then turns out Santa does exist. Like, who did they think putting presents under Christmas tree? If Santa is real then wasn't them.

Plot Holes Big Enough To Drive Trucks Through

Like come on.
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Or Maybe He Was µrdered by His Roofer...

accident answer cat dogs FAIL fall falling Hall of Fame physics question Reframe roof - 5570667520
Created by LOLdogexpert