

hungry map nom - 3459954944

Hunger Games IRL?

double meaning food literalism - 6179617792
Created by netsnets ( Via Happy Smart Book )
bad jokes that are so bad they are good | Person -  does joke become dad joke becomes apparent.

29 Bad Jokes That Are Actually The Best Jokes

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cops photoshop rhyme video game - 4177054976
Created by lololol1212
Funny birthday memes, jim from the office, cat memes, birthday cat memes, failure, depressing birthday memes and sarcastic birthday memes.

15 Sarcastic Birthday Memes For Anyone Who Hates The Fuss

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At Least He Lives Up to His Name

surname variations on a theme literalism double meaning - 6738911744
Via Reddit


star wars puns image - 8970398976
Created by alixnmoore1497

Better Late Than Never

combination contraction Hall of Fame portmanteau time velociraptor - 4779776000

He's in Love With a Pamphlet

double meaning hipster homophone surname - 6356053760
Via The Daily Meme

Courtesy Umbrella Corporation

Hall of Fame name Osama Bin Laden similar sounding suffix zombie - 6233439232
Created by frank44mag

Walken, On Sunshine

inflection similar sounding literalism christopher walken comma double meaning - 6763507456
Created by Matthew


comment facebook food heel hilarious homophone off-rhyme sole soul status update - 4084807936
Created by Koopeh
Wholesome and happy webcomics filled with love, animals.

24 Wholesome Comics That Serve Up The Sappiness

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Stepping Up Through Childhood

step father step ladder - 7185933056

That Must Have Been Very Hard For You

cliché computer double meaning drive literalism lost - 5804189184
Created by dominicsoh ( Via Pocket Puns )

The Only House I Ever Want to Be Sorted Into

Hall of Fame Harry Potter house literalism prefix similar sounding slytherin snape - 5861677568
Created by Unknown