
This is Their Slow-Jam

dancing puns - 7844528384

Gameboy Link Cable

gifs link literalism - 7004435968
funny dank memes, stupid memes, philosophers | existentialists @philosophical.genes create own meaning nihilists Regular show dodging flyers | Always has been Wait s all just endless suffering? astronaut pointing gun at another astronaut Sisyphus

30 Philosophy Memes For Deep Thinkers

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Mylo XyDrawSomething

cold double meaning draw something feeling Hall of Fame icon literalism play - 6278685184
Created by petites_mains

The Best Way to Listen to Rock

Music rock literalism double meaning - 7013864192
Via Reddit

Ewwwww, Green Day

album insults lolwut teasing title titles - 5234146816
Created by challengeaccepted123

A Literal Buddha Belly

tattoos funny - 4408510720

And They All Got A+'s for Effort!

Lame Pun Coon literalism double meaning - 6819744256
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What An Eggsellent Yolk!

brand egg prefix sandwich similar sounding title - 6357155840
Via Reddit
funny memes, dank memes, shitposts, stupid memes, 2020 memes, relatable memes, quarantine, work | And winner this year's award worst nest ever goes pigeon sitting next to an egg surrounded by some sticks | OVERCONFIDENT FLYING FISH DID ESCAPED PREDATORS HAVE EVOLVED! BIRDS: Conceited reaction

Dankalicious Memes For Killing Precious Time

It's time for some scrolling
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Resisting a Rest

arrest double meaning Hall of Fame homophone homophones literalism lolwut resistance rest - 5394307328
Created by Bendyrulz ( Via iraffiruse.net )
Funny tweets about what dads love saying.

23 Hardcore Dad-Isms Culled From The Depths Of Twitter

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Isn't Miley Their Lead Singer?

puns Music - 7871023104

Just Give Him Time; He'll Get Über It

answer double meaning friedrich nietzsche nietzsche nothing philosophy question - 6481468672
Via Niquez Mavie

This Joke Has Been Incubating for a While I Bet...

hot literalism double meaning - 6703381760
Created by tonis

Octopi Wall Street!

occupy pun octopus - 7745809408
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad