
Sounds Like a Spitting Good Time!

alpaca Hall of Fame ill i'll lunch pack similar sounding - 6471827968
Created by xyzpdq1

Nice Loafers

shoes bread - 7301472000

007 S&M

james bond suffix - 6752369408
Created by wharfstorm ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )


barrel roll double meaning literalism peppy quote roll Star Fox - 5245207040
Created by Dubulous

SMP CLASSIC: His Life Couldn't Be Cheddar!

job great homophones grate grater - 7124332544
Created by Meqad

Happy Haul-idays

happy holiday homophone malapropism neologism pun - 4272462592
Created by Kit

Your Timing is Always So Bad!

block clock innuendo literalism rhyming similar sounding - 5337535232
Created by Dave ( Via scimoccomics.tumblr.com )


animals love octopus picture puns - 3534642176

He's a Purrfect Impusstor

cat copy copycat double meaning literalism - 5443035392
Created by SilverLuna

But Strangely Safe From Hijackers...

contradiction double meaning paradox - 4868194816
Created by xyzpdq1


literalism - 4532428288

Uh Yeah Okay Sure

China double meaning homophone literalism - 6505838848
Created by xyzpdq1

Eggcelent Work Bro!

bros chicken double meaning egg Hall of Fame laid literalism - 5452586752
Created by anchy2006 ( Via Domics )
sad tinder conversations that will make you happy it is not you this happened to

17 Funny, Sad and Dumb Tinder Moments to Make You Feel Less Lonely

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4chan four literalism double meaning - 6680873472
Created by Unknown

The New Girl

juxtaposition literalism shoop similar sounding - 6194270464
Created by sparkzzzzzz