drive thru

Ahhh the drive-thru. Parent's salvation from not knowing how to cook, and kids salvation how to get themselves absolutely filthy while eating and enjoy every second. If you've ever had a classic drive-thru story, chances are you might find something to relate to.

drive thru fast food Image rascal wtf - 5353109248

What a Rascal

drive thru Babies fast food Image - 6675047424

That'll Be Ten Twenty-Five... Or Your First Born Child

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Faster! We're the Next in Line!

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Drive Thru

drive thru Movie parody Video - 37017601

Drive... Thru

best of week drive thru fast food Image McDonald's wtf - 6306624000

I'll Never Look at a Drive-Thru the Same Way

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For the Pious Man on the Go