Article explaining the phenomenon of whisper memes, dank memes, stupid memes.

A Brief History of Whisper Memes and Why They’re a Return to Form

Whisper's gone ironypilled.
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softboi, beam me up softboi, tinder, dating, relationships, nice guys, cringe, dms, text messages, screenshots, wtf, women, men, incels, pick up lines, relationships

Cringey Messages & Pathetic Pick Up Lines From Desperate Softbois

What is a softboi ? If you've ever received a flirty unsolicited message from someone who speaks in platitudes, drops backhanded compliments that simultaneously flatter and insult, or talks at length about how "different" they are, then you likely already know. Thanks to @beam_me_up_softboi 's archive of weird DMs from pick-up artists, sapiosexuals, and self-proclaimed ' nice guys ,' we've amassed a very cringe compilation of receipts that prove how low softbois can go.
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Funny random memes, twitter, humor, lol

A Tasty Trip On the Meme and Tweet Highway

As rock and roller Tom Cochrane once said, “Life is a highway.” And while I want to ride thar highway all night long I have responsibilities like most semi-functioning members of society.
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Crunchyroll Wants to Know What the Most Underrated Anime Film is of All Time and it's Giving Fans a Must-Watch List for Underground Anime

Crunchyroll Wants to Know What the Most Underrated Anime Film is of All Time and it's Giving Fans a Must-Watch List for Underground Anime

And now you have your anime must-watch list set for the rest of your life.
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Woman Hilariously Shows What Every 'Cool, Single Parent' Acts Like in all of our Favorite Coming of Age Movies

Woman Hilariously Shows What Every 'Cool, Single Parent' Acts Like in all of our Favorite Coming of Age Movies

The dishtowel is a paid actor
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Bartenders share the drinks they hate making

Bartenders Share the Drinks They Absolutely Hate to Make

It's no secret that bartending can be a frustrating gig. It's tough standing for hours on end, dealing with annoying drunk people and bad tippers. Sometimes things even get physical. But the most annoying part of the job is sometimes as simple as making a mojito. That's what we've learned from a particularly educational thread on the Bar Memes Facebook group. The community is a haven for service workers , a place where they can share jokes, experiences, and even ask for advice with the knowledg…
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music, dj, kids, disco, music request, funny, funny kids, tiktok

DJ Plays Kid's Disco, Shares Their Amusing And Nonsensical Song Requests

They've got taste
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Funny dungeons and dragons memes

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (May 27, 2022)

There are a lot of people out there who probably don't realize how much influence Dungeons & Dragons has had on the gaming world over decades. My dad still talks about all the afternoons he spent playing with his friends, and it doesn't seem like the game has lost any traction. If anything, I've been seeing more and more friends get into the game. And, unfortunately, I'm seeing my friends kids get into it. Which makes me feel old as hell. Many action and adventure role playing games that we kno…
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Walmart Employee Gets Trapped in Bathroom While Hiding from Customer Singing Along to Worship Music and Po0ping Their Brains Out

Walmart Employee Gets Trapped in Bathroom While Hiding from Customer Singing Along to Worship Music and Po0ping Their Brains Out

This seems very on brand for Walmart.
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Funny random memes, dank memes

Random Memes Plucked From the Farthest Corners of the Internet

It has never ceased to amaze me that the internet has a place for everyone. It also has the power to bring people together, and not just via social media. Thanks to meetup sites and apps, people are making real, human connections with people who have similar interests. They're escaping the excruciating loneliness that seems to hang over many of our heads. It's great that some individuals can get together IRL, but those who can't aren't short of connections, either. I remember when I had a Yelp…
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24 Year Old TikToker Shares The Nonsense She Puts Up With As A Young High School Teacher

24 Year Old TikToker Shares The Nonsense She Puts Up With As A Young High School Teacher

She really just blends right in
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Cracked makes Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness

Here's What 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Would Look Like With a $20 Budget

If you still haven't seen Marvel's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness , you're not alone. I'm right here with you. Feeling like an awful Marvel fan and a worse one of the Doctor Strange films. As much as I love Sam Raimi, Benedict Cumberbatch , and Benedict Wong, I haven't been able to buy a ticket and lug my tired body to a theater. I feel like my tired mind can't handle what seems like a few hours of vertigo. Soon, I say, every time a friend mentions the film or I stumble upon a spoi…
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Parenting tweets, twitter memes, parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of the Week (May 26, 2022)

This isn't a fun time to be a parent in the United States. Frankly, it's not a fun time to be a citizen, or even visiting. The tragedy in Uvalde is on the minds of the world - senseless violence is never easy to parse through. And violence against innocent children? It's too much to bear. It's incredibly clear from Twitter that the parents of the Internet are reeling. Talk of homeschool is rampant. There are angry tweets, desperate ones. And the ones that simply make us want to cry. Looking for…
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Disney Adult Writes the Most Overly Dramatic Yelp Review for the Parks, Completely Obliterates Mickey Mouse

Disney Adult Writes the Most Overly Dramatic Yelp Review for the Parks, Completely Obliterates Mickey Mouse

“Mickey, you've made a terrible mistake…”
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Funny random memes tweets and dank memes, relatable

A Gaggle of Memes For Everyone Who Needs a Distraction

Welp. We've got another day on the World Wide Web. And frankly, we're feeling a bit demoralized. It's not easy to be glued to your computer when all the news seems to be bad news. There's no way to sugarcoat the utter defeat we're feeling in the wake of the terrible tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. Going about day-to-day life is extremely difficult when you're trying to make sense of senseless violence, and the equally senseless cycle that the United States seems to be stuck in. As much as I try to ma…
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Latina Tiktoker Shows The Difference Between Asking Her Mexican Mother Or American Father If She Can Go Out At Night

Latina Tiktoker Shows the Difference Between Asking Her Mexican Mom or American Dad if She Can Go Out at Night

‘She said it’s okay'
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