Man Puts Out Hilarious Video Roasting The Good Ol Days, Or The 1920's

Man Puts Out Hilarious Video Roasting 'The Good Ol Days,' Or The 1920's

The roaring Twenties are back
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gaming, gamer, gaming memes, memes, funny, funny memes, nerdy memes, lol

The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (June 1, 2022)

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best of nextdoor, nextdoor, neighbors, funny posts, petty, gossip, lol, funny, memes, neighborhood, karen, halloween, thanksgiving, family

Comedy Gold From the Perfectly Petty World of 'Nextdoor'

"When neighbors start talking, good things happen"
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"Hang up the phone, I'm trying to use the Internet": Phrases Anyone Born After 2000 Just Wouldn't Understand

"Hang up the phone, I'm trying to use the Internet": Phrases Anyone Born After 2000 Just Wouldn't Understand

Millennials on TikTok are sharing the most satisfyingly nostalgic phrases we all miss.
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao, twitter, funny tweets

A Bumpy Ride Of Memes And Tweets

Strap in
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Relatable Toddler Struggles When Left Alone With Boba Tea, Mom Has To Test Her Multiple Times

Relatable Toddler Struggles When Left Alone With Boba Tea, Mom Has To Test Her Multiple Times

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Funny random memes, dank memes

A Wide Variety of Memes and Tweets For General Scrolling Needs

Hello there. We meet again. I'm still recovering from an unusually active (and long) weekend of lazy revelry and nature walks. While I am happy that my thighs ache from exercise, and my skin is reddened from spending an extended time in the sun, I'm also tired as hell. Going back to the grind ain't easy, especially not when your skin is peeling and you're carrying around water weight from eating way too many hot dogs and drinking way too many tequila cocktails. But these are first world problem…
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Man Does Spot-On Impression Of His Wife After a Day Alone With Their Children

Man Does Spot-On Impression Of His Wife After a Day Alone With Their Children

Everything is totally fine.
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dvd, dvds, movies, commentary, twitter, funny twitter, director, informative

People Lament The Demise Of The DVD Commentary Track

Bring it back
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College Student Finds Random Person Stuck in the Trash Chute of Her Dorm: Turns Out to be a Prank Gone Wrong

College Student Finds Random Person Stuck in the Trash Chute of Her Dorm: Turns Out to be a Prank Gone Wrong

She just went to toss her trash and heard a “hello?! I'm stuck!" from the chute…
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Funny Lord of the Rings memes, humorous memes, LOTR memes, fandom, nerdy, geeky, tolkien tuesday, aragorn, frodo, hobbits, gandalf, theoden, eowyn,

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (May 31, 2022)

Happy Tuesday to all the Lord of the Rings fans in the house. Hopefully those of you who are stateside and had a long weekend (Memorial Day) of fun. I know I did. Yesterday I got back from a trip north to Vermont, a state that has no shortage of untouched natural beauty. When I'm in the middle of a lush, bird-filled forest or trekking through a seemingly endless field, I can't help but imagine myself in Middle-earth. I may have even pressed my ear to the ground a la Legolas a couple times. Whil…
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kids, parenting, children, pregnancy, list, mom, reason, childless, tiktok

Woman Gets Praised For Measured Explanation About Why She Doesn’t Want Kids

Fair enough
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Funny, weird, Cultural customs, Sweden, Swedish people don't feed their guests

Viral Tweets About Inhospitable Europeans Inspire Mayhem and Memes

Every culture has it's own “thing” where food is concerned. Just as food varies from region to region, so does the etiquette surrounding both eating grub and serving it to guests. For example, in China it's considered rude to finish all of your food because it implies that the host didn't serve you enough. In Japan, the slurping our elders chided us for is perfectly normal, and even encouraged - the noisy practice actually helps to cool down hot noodle soups. Guest-related etiquette is a little…
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Moving Menagerie Of Different Memes And Things

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People Explain How They're The Least Favorite Child Without Saying They're The Least Favorite Child

People Explain How They're The Least Favorite Child Without Saying They're The Least Favorite Child

Sometimes parents can't even try to be subtle
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college, college student, death, mourning, excuses, education, professor, twitter

Student Worries About Professor Disbelieving Their Father Dying, Revealing Toxic Culture Around Grief In College

An eye-opener
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