horrible bosses, manager, i quit, jobs, work, anti work, malicious compliance, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread

New Management Tells Workers to Quit if They Don’t Like the New Rules, Everyone Quits

There's no shortage of stories about incompetent managers driving their skilled staff away with terrible ideas about how they should be doing their jobs, and this post recently shared on r/MaliciousCompliance is a perfect example. For those who want the TL;DR: basically, OP worked at a sales job where they had a fantastic manager who treated his staff like human beings and gave them the freedom to do their jobs in whatever way worked best for them. As long as everyone was hitting their targets,…
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Funniest Memes for Broke Folks With Only 3 Digits in Their Bank Accounts (Including Cents)

Funniest Memes for Broke Folks With Only 3 Digits in Their Bank Accounts (Including Cents)

But don't call me cheap
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Keith McNally of Balthazar fame reveals that James Corden is a Karen on Instagram, rude to service staff

James Corden Exposed As a Karen By Restaurateur Keith McNally

English entertainer James Corden is an easy target. His entire presence, to some, can only be defined as “cringe.” The singing, the bumbling about, the Top 40 squeals and that godawful ‘ Carpool Karaoke, ’ in which he seems to want to make everything about him. His presence, to us, is grating, but we've never heard of him committing some sort of moral or ethical crime against humanity. Until now. Thanks to restaurateur Keith McNally, who owns NYC institutions Balthazar, Pastis, and Minetta Tave…
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Funny memes and tweets about food

A Feast of Memes For Fervent Foodies

It always disturbs me to learn that there are people out there who eat to live. Sure, we all technically eat to live, but it's insane that there are people who just don't care about, or even remotely enjoy, eating. I'm talking about Maggie, the yuppie I met years ago who wished that she could power her body with a pill taken just once a day. More disturbing was the day I learned she was on an actual Clif bar diet for over a month. Repulsive. We haven't seen each other in about twelve years, and…
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A compilation of random memes, images, and tweets.

A Snappy Selection of Memes & Things

Nearly everything in the modern world moves at a pace that would kill a medieval peasant girl. The level of productivity has shot up, and it doesn't look like it will dwindle anytime soon. That reality is because we're all conditioned to do things unbelievably quickly. The about of stuff we are expected to do each day is genuinely baffling. We need to shower, make three meals, go to work, do a good job at work, eat three meals, and reflect on your day, which doesn't even mention socializing, le…
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Cute and funny dog memes

Dog Memes For Doggo and Pupper Connoisseurs

It's been years since I had a dog of my own. Taking care of the energetic beasts isn't an easy feat, and it doesn't exactly suit the urban lifestyle - especially in New York City where we pay exorbitant rents for shoebox-sized apartments. While I happily accept my new cat-person identity, I enthusiastically enjoy dogs vicariously. This means cooing over photos of my friends' dogs, or spending time cuddling with my parents' adorable (and huge) canine companions. No disrespect to my cats, but the…
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funny, the rocky horror picture show, memes, tim curry

Funniest ‘the Rocky Horror Picture Show’ Memes in Abundance That’ll Have Your Face Aching From Smiling So Much

"I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey."
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Funny memes about pasta

A Hot and Steamy Bowl of Pasta Memes For National Pasta Day

I am so, so, so glad that I don't have Celiac disease or some other kind of disorder that means I can't eat gluten. Gluten rules. While bread takes a lot of the glutenous glory, we're firm believers that pasta is the best gluten product by far. It's versatile. It's international. It's a comforting, rib-sticking meal on a bad day, or a celebratory feast on a good one. Back when I was working at a Mediterranean restaurant on the Upper East Side, I actually got in trouble for selling the pasta spe…
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funny Selena Gomez memes

21 of the Funniest Selena Gomez Memes That Take You on an Emotional Roller Coaster Ride

Who knew Selena Gomez was so meme-able?!
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A compilation of Simpsons themed memes

Simpsons Memes To Make You Go D'OH

It's spooky season, which means it's about time to rewatch all of the Treehouse of Horror Simpsons episodes and try not to cry about the ever declining quality of our favorite cartoon. The Simpsons is such a cultural juggernaut at this point, it's hard to believe that there will ever be a time when it's not on the air. At the same time, as someone who hasn't watched a complete season since Season 10, it is similarly hard to believe that the show is still around. When you hear a description of a…
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A compilation of Harry Potter themed memes

The Best Harry Potter Memes of the Week (October 17, 2022)

This has been a rough week for Harry Potter fans, to say the least. Our beloved Robbie Coltrane, the man who brought Hagrid to life as only he could, died this past Friday. It is always sad to see one of the great actors that shaped Harry Potter pass on. Far too many cast members of the Harry Potter movies have gone far too soon in the 21 years since the first film came out. It was always surprising to fans that out of all of Harry's father figures, Hagrid was one of the ones to survive the ser…
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work, job, work memes, manager, boss, employee, coworkers, memes, funny, funny memes

The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (October 17, 2022)

It's that time
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A compilation of memes about Disney

Disney Memes For Kids Who Never Grew Up

Disney movies really accurately portray the pressure society puts on all of us to grow up. When you’re a kid , you never think the time will come when you’ll feel like a grown up for real, but it always sneaks up on us. This transformation doesn’t happen overnight, but I’d say most of us have had several moments throughout our lives where we’ve realized just how adult we actually are. And this might kind of be a controversial opinion, but I think getting older is good, actually. When you’re a k…
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A compilation of ecological and animal memes.

Ecological Memes For Animal Fanatics

The crazy thing about animals when you break it down is that they are truly just freaky little guys. It’s wild that we walk the earth with them but at the same time it just makes sense. some animals like spiders and aquatic life are the creepiest closest things we’ve got to aliens on earth
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A Reddit thread about an Entitled Karen who demanded a woman stop exercising in a public park.

Entitled Karen Demands Women Stop Exercising In A Public Park

Karens have been around long before we labeled them as Karens . Everyone can agree that something about an entitled, impatient, cruel, boomer white woman drives nearly everyone up a wall. I'd say the absolute worst thing about Karens is the self-centeredness they seem to all possess. They perceive everything around them that they don't like as an intentional slight directed at them specifically. How they can blow up angrily at the most banal offense is baffling. They will literally become enrag…
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Relatable Student Memes Now That Student Loan Forgiveness Is Here

Relatable Student Memes That Are A Little More Jovial Now That Student Loan Forgiveness Is Here

Hear hear, hope is here
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