Art of Trolling


Jesus is a figure in ancient history that is the focal point of one of the largest religions in the world. So it's natural tat any number of jokes and memes come out of a being so famous and well-known. From RaptorJesus to classic memes, there's something for everyone for the father of Christianity.

And Jesus Said "Ye, I Have No Freakin' Clue"

jesus cinnamon toast crunch tumblr cereal - 7455993344

If Twerking is a Sin, Then I'll See You in Hell

jesus twerking christians - 8083988992

The Road is Safe to Cross Again

jesus satan crosswalk - 5310674688
Created by abiwood

All Knowing

jesus lord Lord of the Rings religion sauron - 4081097728
Created by SCN

Proof of Evolution

evolution god IRL jesus proof stain toast - 4545656320
Created by SmartAssAtheist

I'd Sure Like to See It

halloween IRL jesus - 5336431360

Scumbag Jesus Wants You to Help Others

facebook jesus Scumbag Steve - 5750081280
Created by OhMalley
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