Art of Trolling


"Abort" Mission, "Abort" Mission!


Aww, Babby's First Integral!

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Where do babies come from?

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Created by freshbru

Oh Sure, Pick on the Derpy One

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The Devil's Work

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Created by xprimale

Oops, Got Your Face!

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Makes sense...I guess

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Created by jacktli

The Grandparent's Perspective Really Is False Advertising

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Via @caitymaple

Handcrafted, Aged for Nine Months

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Baby Freestyle Game Weak as Hell

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Get That Camera Outta My Face!

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Sassy Trump Hates Babies

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The Birds and the Bits

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Go for the Gold!

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Created by orlywtf

Cradle 2 tha Grave

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Tis the Season

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