Art of Trolling


Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

The Biebinator...

future justin bieber Omegle terminator - 4289139712
Created by ooginator

Do My Laundry While You're At It

Omegle roleplay sandwich - 5209665536
Created by isabubbles

Omegle Trolls the App Store

apple iphone Omegle - 4102196224
Created by Aberkromby

This Guy is a Bit Slow

Omegle Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - 4255352064


Battle Harry Potter Omegle Pokémon - 3807567360
Created by poketuumonsutaa

Can't Tell If Trolling or Both of You Should Go Die In a Fire

Harry Potter justin bieber Omegle spymode - 5699763200
Created by wtf.

Couldn't Handle the Truth

Omegle unicorn - 3751048960

That's Still Pretty Big

Omegle peen length chat - 4268473344
Created by xx_iNvisibLe_xx

Something Something Grape Juice

Omegle racism - 5877735680

Shame That They Also Bury Them With Belts

braces gross necrophilia Omegle - 5222576384

Have to Go with Chunky

body food ginger murder Omegle - 4350287104

Surpassing the Goddess

AoT fitness goddess horse jeanie meta Omegle - 4588631552
Created by Solosesso

Only 23 Meters Away From Me?

Omegle asl - 7370140928
Created by Unknown

Run Little Chicken!

chicken giggity Omegle racism - 5090940416
Created by StrayPup

You Got the Buzzer

innuendo masturbation Omegle vuvuzela - 4346214400
Created by Digisaurus

Like a Troll

andy samberg Like a Boss Omegle SNL - 4307467008