Art of Trolling


Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

You're Up Then You're Down

Omegle rick roll spymode up - 5174373120
Created by jerretsmannequin

You're Grounded

asl Awkward daughter Omegle parent - 4551447040
Created by nobigdeal

Worst Messiah Ever

god Omegle question wasted - 4375894784


cyber girls guys Omegle - 3474877440


Omegle waste - 3336073472

What a Pig

hello kitty Omegle pig puppets toys - 4371104512
Created by Darth-Vader.Kitty


blank Omegle question spymode - 6106738688
Created by Anonymous


Omegle pikachu Pokémon Team Rocket - 4436330240

Oh Yeah, Downward Dog

asl Omegle - 5316115968
Created by turtledove323


Omegle Pokémon - 6142927616

You Seek the Castle Anthrax?

monty python Omegle quest sexychat - 4389447168

Hi, I'm Bruce

batman bruce wayne Omegle - 7237060352

Why Not Use a Masterball?

Omegle Pokémon relationships - 6323307008
Created by Unknown

No... YOU Play Titania!

Omegle roleplaying dungeons and dragons - 4237989376

In Trollviet Russia

Omegle Soviet Russia troll vs troll - 4272178944

I've Always Wanted to Meet One!

hermaphrodite Omegle spymode stranger - 5091132416
Created by Unknown