
Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

asl drinks Omegle Rum - 4567580928

Whisky Me Away

asl english japanese language Omegle typo - 4558139136


jokes Omegle pick-up lines Pokémon - 4420269312

Poké-up Lines

asl FRIDAY horny male Omegle Rebecca Black which seat can i take - 4585012992

You Don't Get a Seat.

knowledge magnets Omegle that sounds naughty - 4492578048

Clearly Not Everything

boots club Omegle seal - 5350507776

Waterproof and Everything!

hate i own a horse lol Omegle - 4414282752

I Know You All Hate This Too

danger Omegle parents stranger - 4586475520

Didn't Your Parents Warn You?

Omegle mother parenting funny - 4237734144

Left So Soon

Omegle spam trolling - 4553212928


Omegle horny - 4232761088

Scars of the Past

advice mom Omegle strangers - 4272582656

Your Mom

Omegle Pokémon relationships - 6323307008

Why Not Use a Masterball?

Dateline Omegle sexychat - 6051350784

Have a Seat

lady fun bags Omegle penis - 4393536768

Downstairs Mix-Up

Omegle sexytimes spymode - 5154217216

B Equals Equals D