
Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

boyfriend car genie i own a horse Omegle - 4286178304

Giddyup, Genie

old people Omegle sexychat voting-page - 6513589504


chatroulette facebook justin bieber Omegle voting-page - 4346663424

Another Fake Bieber

Omegle potato - 7207064064

Potato Allergies

god Omegle Rebecca Black rick roll - 5230168064

Never Gonna Give Up Friday

Omegle questions - 4489120000

She's Not Greedy

Omegle sandwiches women - 5527064832

I Want Mine With Bacon

Omegle bored - 4296441600

If You Have Diverse Tastes

Omegle pic voting-page - 6663742976

My Heart's SOARING!

asl narnia Omegle - 3440209152

Can I get your ASLAN?

building hotline male Omegle suicide watch - 4586423040

Thanks for Nothing, Suicide Hotline

advice help job money Omegle - 4330815232

Help Wanted

Omegle spymode - 6786528768

Better Check My Wallet

asl murder Omegle sexychat - 5732496896

What Was the Horse For?

conversations graph Omegle trolling - 4682721536

The Best Way to Spend Your Time

Omegle that sounds naughty - 5579390976

He Loves the Sounds I Make