

daycare, school, nap, kids, asleep, teachers, teacher, parenting, napping, naps, little kids, sleep, sleeping, Parenting Fail, falling asleep, Parenting FAILS, preschool

'I got scolded for letting a 2-year-old nap': Parents demand pre-school teacher stop their kids from napping, claims it makes bedtime too difficult

Those are their prime napping years
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32 Funny College Memes for Students Still Recovering From Their Final Exams

32 Funny College Memes for Students Still Recovering From Their Final Exams

The college experience in the shape of memes
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homeschooled, family drama, mathematics, school, reading, mother, teaching, addition, teacher, aunt, homeschool, mom, math, illiterate, cousins, cousin, reddit story

Homeschool mom asks niece to teach illiterate 9-year-old daughter who can't add single digit numbers: 'I don't think 4 hours once a week is enough at all'

That's all the schooling she's getting
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family drama aita marriage school kids student loans work family feud relationships parenting advice dad family vasectomy Reddit mom college son parents - 25377285

Parents make son choose between paying student loans and having kids, son gets vasectomy: 'I don't really think I owe them anything'

he has a point
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school, student, FAIL, students, kids, lazy, at school, awesome teacher, group projects, teacher, grades, project, kids these days, failing, high school, Reddit, immature high schoolers

Lazy student refuses to participate in group project, cries to teacher when he gets an F: '[He] tried to blame us for him not participating'

You snooze, you lose
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‘They swiftly came to his defense’: Teachers Discuss Wholesome Trends Seen Among Gen Z Students in Heartwarming Thread

‘They swiftly came to his defense’: Teachers Discuss Wholesome Trends Seen Among Gen Z Students in Heartwarming Thread

Teachers share positive trends they see with Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
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bullying, bully, growing up, nerds, geeks, glasses, braces, in laws, eating alone, movies, solo, adulthood, childhood, back to school, school, reddit, askreddit, stigma

'Being a nerd': 15+ Supposedly stigmatized behaviors that are actually no big deal

Everyone's a nerd now
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teacher, dress code, twitter, twitter thread, school, kids, mom, parenting, teaching, outrage, top

Mom fights back after substitute teacher claims 8-year-old's top is 'inappropriate': 'Oh no, you see collarbones. Go seek help'

Ridiculous on every level
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relationship, popular, school, nerds, nerdy, relationship drama, reddit story, relationships, couples, high school, popularity, education, reddit thread, college, couple

Boyfriend who peaked in high school gets offended that nerdy girlfriend didn't know who he was in high school: 'Nobody had time to think about popular kids'

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boss, antiwork, toxic manager, school, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, toxic management, parenting, good parenting, toxic boss, high school, bad bosses

'The other staff are also in school': Boss schedules 15-year-old worker during school hours, makes the teen find a cover

That's not right
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school, student, elementary school, teach, students, middle school, teachers, askreddit, teacher, educational, back to school, high school, education, Terrible Teacher, reddit

'Square dancing': Former students share the most useless things they learned in school

"Duck and cover" too
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unschooling, twitter, school, Twitter Thread, literacy, parenting, educational, homeschooling, homeschool, education, math, illiterate, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

'My 19 year old can't spell or write': Unschooling mom with illiterate kids calls herself a failure, the internet agrees

Sounds like failing to me!
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millennial gen-x gen-z slang made-up funny comedian comedy teacher lol student viral tiktok gaslight gaslighting made-up school class

‘Oh you don't know these? Hmm, it's like all over TikTok’: Sarcastic teacher gaslights his students with made up Gen Z sounding slang

These kids just got schooled
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teachers, teaching, opinions, unpopular opinions, school, middle school, elementary school, high school, students

'Suspensions are absolutely a vacation': Teachers reveal their hot takes about the profession

Unpopular opinion time
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school, elementary school, teach, teacher memes, teaching, middle school, at school, teacher memes, teachers, awesome teacher, teacher, kids these days, high school, school memes

30 Teacher Memes for Educators on the Brink of Spring Break

It's almost here
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teaching, teachers. grading, son, project, school, mildly infuriating, reddit

'I am embarrassed for his teacher': Parent complains about nonsensical grading rubric for eighth grader son's school project

These don't make sense
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