

mom dad mommy daddy moms dads burnt-out parents parent parenting parenting-memes memes back-to-school school summer relatable

35 Mommy Memes for Burnt Out Parents Looking Forward to the End of Summer

Get these kids out of my house and back to school
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job memes, relatable work memes, school, elementary school, teach, work memes, teaching, middle school, teachers, awesome teacher, teacher, back to school, high school, school memes

30 Teacher Memes To Help Survive The First Day of School

It's almost here
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suburbs, twitter, school, Twitter Thread, twitter reactions, Dallas, tweets, high school, funny tweets, texas, football, rich people, tweet, fast food, rich, twitter discourse, sonic

Twitter Reacts To Mega Rich Texas High School With a Food Court Cafeteria And College-Level Football Facilities

Everything's bigger in Texas
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school fail school college humor college memes high school dropout college college student school memes - 21650181

25 Hilarious Memes College Dropouts Destined For Greatness Will Understand

College just isn't for everyone... and that's okay!
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Science, geology, biology, Environment, school, bill nye, mythbusters, experiment, Class, academics, scientific method, Studying, Earth, Chemistry

21 Significant Science Memes for Passionate Fans of the Field

Scientists have it rough in this modern society. Well, they've never really had it easy. It's just that now, more than ever, they are facing pushback from the uninformed masses. Now, I'm no scientist, but I can't possibly fathom how frustrating it would be to have valid scientific data constantly decried. I just don't have the patience. But to the scientists out there who keep trucking along for the betterment and development of humanity, here's to you! I never performed well in any field of sc…
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school, student, elementary school, teach, students, teaching, middle school, teachers, awesome teacher, teacher, back to school, high school, immature high schoolers, things kids say, kids these days

Teachers Share The Funniest Ways Their Students Have Roasted Them

Thanks, sweetie
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food, pizza, italian, dinner, lunch, Party, Childhood, nostalgia, adult, delivery, funny, funny memes, fast food, school, cafeteria, restaurant

25+ Spicy Pizza Memes In 30 Minutes or Less

Growing up, pizza was one of the best things in the world. It was more than just delicious, the presence of pizza often signaled a good time. Cheap, but tasty Little Caesar's at sleepovers, pizza day in the school cafeteria, eating a big pie with your soccer team after a win. Pizza is nostalgic, it's a core part of so many people's childhood. That's not to say pizza has no place as an adult. Ordering a pizza for delivery is a convenient and tasty experience . It's good in a pinch or when you do…
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professor, college, student, college student, high school, school, comeback, witty comeback, twitter, funny twitter, twitter thread, rude, lateness

College Goers Share Sassy Comebacks Exchanged Between Professors and Students

Wittiness is next to tardiness
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Reading, Book, literature, intellectual, writing, school, learning, Art, media, movies, High school, Childhood, memes, funny memes, relatable, relatable memes, library

35 Hilarious Book Memes for Literature Obsessives and Passionate Readers

One of the greatest feelings in the world is coming across a book that captures your interest. Not a book that you could read, a book that you find so enthralling that you absolutely have to read it. This is a rare occasion, a once-in-a-blue-moon moment. It's a beautiful experience . Not every book is going to appeal to you. Even the greatest book ever written isn't going to be for everyone. Entertainment is a personal preference. Read what you want! That's the beauty of it. I wasn't a huge rea…
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bank broke school poor students relatable memes relatable finances bills dollar bills money - 20300549

Funniest Money Memes for Broke Folks

If you've ever been broke, I'm sure you've realized, it's not fun
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peaked-in-high-school school growing up high school memes adulting memes high school school memes - 21351429

23 Memes For Everyone Who Peaked in High School Currently Missing Their Glory Days

You'll laugh at these memes if you peaked in high school.
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Teacher, teachers, teaching, teach, awesome teacher, school, High school, middle school, elementary school, back to school, school memes, work memes, relatable work memes, kids these days

30 Teacher Memes for Educators Enjoying Summer Break But Dreading the First Day of School

I don't want to alarm any educators who are here for some escapist memes about their profession. If you don't wish to discuss the brisk nature of the summer holiday , you can scroll right past this. For those of you who are similarly freaking out about how quickly the summer is going by, hello. I am so sorry that you have to return to the hellscape that is school in a few short weeks. Some people don't think teachers deserve to have their summers off, but I think teachers deserve even more time…
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school, elementary school, teach, kids, teaching, middle school, teachers, awesome teacher, teacher, educational, kids these days, high school, education, educational memes

Teachers Share Things They Wish They Could Say to Parents

Teachers get a lot of blame for kids' bad behavior. Parents go to parent-teacher conferences and belligerently demand that the teacher explain why their child is not doing well in class. Teachers are expected to kindly explain to parents what the issue is, even when the parents are being rude and demanding. The truth is, it's usually not the teacher's fault that a kid is failing to thrive in the classroom, and yet they have to shoulder so much of the blame. It's demonstrably unfair. In a perfec…
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school, education, college, university, graduate, Grades, essay, presentation, classroom, class, Professors, reviews, Teacher, books, twitter memes, Twitter, social media, facebook, learning

Academia Memes for Struggling Students and Scholars

There's a lot I miss about being a college student. It was a transformative period in my life. I spent years studying a field that I'm passionate about, met a lot of wonderful people, and figured out what I wanted to do with my life. That being said, I do not miss essays, exams, or randomized group projects in the slightest. I can't imagine the amount of stress that individuals pursuing a graduate degree or Ph.D. face. I could hardly handle my last few semesters of undergrad. You're telling me…
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'I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO!': Stepdad steps up at the parent teacher conference and wears the same shirt his kid got in trouble for at school, putting the overly strict teacher in his place

"I'd have given just about anything to see the look on his face"
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history, history memes, funny, funny memes, united states, education, educational, politics, learning, school, country, exams

History Memes for Online Historians

Did you pay attention in history class ? Personally, history was my favorite subject growing up. It didn't really require a ton of critical thinking, at least for me. You kind of just had to show up to class, listen to the teacher tell stories of what happened before our lifetimes, and maybe read a little bit. Doing the bare minimum of what's listed there, I performed well enough. Of course, not everyone had the same experience. History is just an interesting subject to learn about. So why don'…
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