Señor GIF


Soccer. Not to be mistaken with football or any other random ball sports. A gentleman's sport full of goals dips dives cries and whistles. If you dream to bend it like Beckham, then get a laugh at these hilarious soccer jokes and puns.

Out of This World Shot

gifs ice cream Image shot soccer sports whoops - 6161626624
Created by funkybash


fifa soccer sparta Uncategorized world cup - 3743802368
Created by Gustavo

Nice Skills

kicks gifs soccer - 8223418880
Created by anselmbe

That's Not The Worst Thing That Could Happen But It is Close

FAIL gifs no sports soccer - 7942806016
Created by anselmbe

Soccer Boss

cool kicking gifs soccer - 6944333312
Created by Asciicodeplus


awesome gifs goalie kick soccer sports the matrix - 4078079232


FAIL gifs headshot kids sniper soccer sports - 4864050176

Ballboy Trolls Ronaldo

balls sports gifs troll soccer - 8510273280
Created by ToolBee

Ouch My Nards

FAIL gifs Image my nards ouch soccer - 6203377152

Soccer Player Slows Down Time With His Expert Ball Control

sports gifs soccer - 8038078464
Via Sdfdsize

Well That Explains All of the Diving

best of week diving fall gifs Image lasers lazers soccer sports - 5677926656
Created by SoRadDude ( Via )

Ball + Water = Sorcery, Hermana

fountain gifs Image kids magic soccer water - 5307138560
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )


futbol Image Netherlands problem soccer Spain sports troll vuvuzela world cup - 3635864832
Created by acten

Soo Cyoot!

celeb gifs hair Image pet soccer troll - 6338261760
Created by Indoryl ( Via Yaplakal )


camera FAIL gifs ouch soccer - 4854016000

If My Old Ass Computer Tried to Play Soccer

gif of robot goalie that collapses in failure
Via Chicken McNugget
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