Señor GIF


Physics is everywhere. From the movement of every object to the only F on your high school report card. So shake off that abject failure and find the humor in such a complex and unseen force that affects our lives so significantly. 

Kittens Learn Physics

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Created by jyonasan1957

Your new Physics Teacher: Mr. Bubbles

physics gifs Cats - 8543823104
Created by anselmbe

Lego Physics Demonstration

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Assassin's Creed is Getting Way Too Realistic

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Via Reddit

Volume Replacement Times Velocity

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Via Lawebloca

Newton's 3rd Law Strikes With a Vengeance

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Created by anselmbe

Science is Like Magic

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The Physics Engine Works Out Well

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Kathy Lee Defies Physics

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Mammary Mondays: Slowmo Physics Lesson

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Created by deathwish01b

Cockroach Defies Physics

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A Physics Lesson

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researchers solve solar physics riddle

New Images Solve Solar Physics Mystery (6 GIFs)

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Physics Work Well

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Created by DoorTheif

Physics Professors Still Don't Know How to Deal With Stars

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Via Cool Junk Productions
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