Señor GIF


Shhhh! You're in a library. A sacred hall of knowledge. We know you read everything online, but there is such a thing as a quiet place to read and seek out knowledge that doesn't require noise-cancelling headphones and a long battery life. So put down your smartphone, tablet, or computer and pick up a paperback. It won't bite, we think.

Statler and Waldorf - Muppet Trolls

celeb computers gifs library muppets trolls - 5036095488
Created by _C_A_T_

Meanwhile in The Library

gifs library Meanwhile mindwarp rocking out wtf - 5967895040

When I Find My Jam

dancing gifs library - 7936853248
Created by Pancakes23

Dancing Around

azns costume dancing ellen gifs jk library win - 5907536896

This One Shelf is Constantly Doing This

gifs books library - 8282064640
Via Libraries in Motion

This Isn't a Library

wtf FAIL gifs books library working out - 7138299392