Señor GIF


Jumping up and down like there is no tomorrow. Bungie your way through your day with these buoying memes and jokes that will have you leaping up for joy. Don't confine yourself to a chair all day, give yourself a break and shake it off and jump all around with these hopping memes puns and jokes.

Jumping Kitty

gifs Cats jumping - 8100138496
Created by ToolBee

This Otterly Funny

critters gifs funny jumping otters - 7906726656
Created by anselmbe

So Close

gifs critters tongues funny jumping frogs - 7664912128
Created by Iron-man01

Try Again

Cats catch gifs jumping - 8198317568

Didn't Allow For The Icing Factor

ouch gifs trampolines ice winter jumping - 7988766208
Created by beernbiccies

One Time Use Unicycle

gifs unicycle funny jumping - 7847501056

Ferret Didn't Make The Jump

gifs ferrets critters funny jumping - 7833528832


skateboarding gifs cars jumping - 8200798976
Created by ToolBee

Jumping a Semi Truck

epic gifs jumping semi truck win - 5324356352

Dang Forcefield!

FAIL gifs Cats jumping fall - 8089561088
Created by ToolBee


Cats Caturday gifs jumping slow motion - 4672438784

Guess Cars Should Be on The Road, Sometimes

cars gifs jumping - 8226623488
Via Bing

Jumping Otter Horde

gifs critters cute otter horde jumping - 6964690688


chair FAIL gifs jumping kids - 4871462656


FAIL gifs jumping ouch pole vault river - 4808500736
Created by melolonta

Fat Guy Going Through Two Holes

gifs pool jumping - 8273902080