Rage Comics

computer guy

Why, YouTube Uploader? Why?

computer guy youtube - 8157961472
Created by Yourfavoritelolcat

I Feel the Same Way About My Bed

me gusta shower no computer guy - 7991838976
Created by Squidkid915

Facebook Worms

computer guy facebook no - 7978961920
Created by penelopesdad

It Was Gonna Be So Pretty!

computer guy pictures table flipping - 8122198272
Created by MayorIvysaur


computers computer guy table flipping passwords - 7969580288

Sequel to a True Story

true story computer guy - 7791148032
Created by Hand in the Bouche

An Alternative Form of Nutrition

forever alone sunlight computer guy - 7847916288

The Reason I'm Inside

forever alone moms parenting computer guy - 7638779136

And Stay Out!

viruses Okay computer guy - 7850348032

Don't Turn Yourself Off!

are you kidding me bsod computers computer guy table flipping rage - 7976917760

Could You Use a Change in Your Life?

change computer guy - 8131960320

I Must(ache) Concentrate

mustaches funny computer guy - 7536928000
Created by Konfucius

Not Very!

bosses video games computer guy - 7762838272

Hopefully Next Monday Morning is Equally Exciting For You

meta Okay aww yea computer guy - 8120395008
Created by Derp1231234

3-month long regret

summer computer guy vacation - 8555821568

Average Day at Work

boss computer guy work Y U NO - 8016907264