Rage Comics

computer guy

Steam Troll

computer guy trollface steam video games - 7967594240
Created by SirPufferstien1

Forever Alone

forever alone rage downvote meta computer guy - 8034718976
Created by VoidDrop

An Epic Idea

idea computer guy Rage Comics - 8542080256
Created by kippyvp

And This is Why No One Likes Lumosity Anymore

computer guy table flipping trollface - 7905407232
Created by mememakr13

This is Why I Like Disc Copies of Games

steam computer games video games computer guy - 7884652800
Created by BeanBuster


studying facebook computer guy - 8054067968

It Brings Out the Psycho in All of Us

computer games computer guy - 7604728576

"Just Looking"

computer guy table flipping steam sale - 7929448448

Procrastination in a Nutshell

homework procrastination computer guy - 8284550144
Created by tentoes2

My Holidays

expectation vs reality computer guy holidays - 7978262272
Created by Gragj1

Who Else Does This?

smell fart computer guy - 8446868992

Creator Rage

computer guy lol meta rage - 8025221376
Created by Derpy1231234

Fishing For Compliments: This Generation's Fishing

compliments facebook Okay computer guy - 8202341632
Created by tentoes2

Spend Your Time Wisely!

time school aww yeah weekend computer guy - 8555995136
Created by mrstacocat

Me on Facebook

facebook crush computer guy - 8249348864
Created by Oscaror

Who Would Have Thought That a Game Called "Kerbal Space Program" Would Have Math in It?

math computer guy - 7784321536
Created by TheAnonymousVipar