

So How Does One 'Twitter' Then?

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A Twitter thread about how ridiculously big Croatians' toothpaste containers are. | Tea @dreampai1 Wait, so telling places other than Croatia, y'all don't have toothpaste sold buckets didn't know this solely local thing

Twitter Thread: Croatians Don't Play Around With Their Toothpaste

Next level toothpaste game.
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Funny tweets about LaCroix sparkling water | Mike Ingram @mikeingram00 guess question have people who love LaCroix is have tried any other beverages 13 Feb Mike Ingram @mikeingram00 LaCroix tastes like made by society which flavor is scarcest natural resource 2:03 PM Feb 14, 2018 8 8 See Mike Ingram's other Tweets

A Humorously Mild Taste of LaCroix Tweets

It's less about flavor and more about essence.
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Twitter thread 6 month wall of pandemic | Dr Aisha Ahmad @ProfAishaAhmad 6 month mark any sustained crisis is always difficult have all adjusted this "new normal but might now feel like running out steam. Yet, at best are only 1/3 way through this marathon can keep going? THREAD /x

Twitter Thread: Mentally Dealing with 6 Months of Global Crisis

Weird times, man.
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Funny memes about music | shoopdahoop25 @shoopdahoop25 music make Cape Look TShift Alt LL lose control missing control key on a keyboard | club plays Limp Bizkit THROWBACHU made with mematic man tearing off pants to reveal super wide leg jeans JNCO 90s fashion

Twenty-Six Musical Memes For Any Kind Of Music Lover

Music: something we can all come together over.
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Hilarious tweets from a pug

Doug The Pug Tweets His Daily Life Adventures And They're Hilarious

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Twitter thread on weirdness of The Cheesecake Factory | max sledroom @MaxKrie If want fully immersive "postmodern design hellscape" themed dining experience highly recommend dinner at Cheesecake Factory design perspective place is fuckin wild and talk little bit about why | max sledroom @Max 12h v interior is world aesthetic chaos feels like mix between Fry's Electronics, an overgrown Panera, and laser tag arena s sensational Palm trees sit aside 2000's-chic glass lighting fixtures, French limes

Twitter Thread: Cheesecake Factory is A World of Contradictions

It's like eating in a fancy hotel that's also a bowling alley.
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Dad quotes on Twitter that are cheesy on the humor and full of cringe.

48 Dad Quotes That'll Make You Instantly Facepalm

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A woman shares various overheards from her medical student husband | insert Dolly emoji here BuhRooklynne KID TOY light turns read, talk into speaker turn into song! Okay, Go! HUSBAND: GYNOCOMASTIA

Wife's Overheards Of Medical Student Husband

Always something new with a medical student.
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bad jokes, puns, bad puns, pun memes, lord of the rings, viggo mortensen.

15 Pun-tastic Memes And Jokes That'll Make You Lose It

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Twitter thread on canned chicken and English and American food | Francisco Garcia @Ffranciscodgf Always mad Americans talk down British food because don't do fluffernutters just right like their mommy does, yet this is normal and also somehow legal them kitchens Sweet Sue Canned Whole Chicken PLE FAL HOME ST GOOD Fully Cooked

Cultures Clash In Canned Chicken Thread

Goodbye food pyramid, hello food cylinder.
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Infuriatingly bad puns that are just dad jokes

15 Dad Joke Tweets To Make You Laugh And Facepalm In Unison

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Funny memes, tweets, and tumblr posts collected from Reddit, r/brandnewsentence | Molly Hodgdon @Manglewood His kiss slow, but firm and unyielding like an old man backing his Lincoln Town OCar over handicapped parking sign. | Dylan Sprouse @dylansprouse Happy two year anniversary. Here's us looking more alike with each passing year until single beast with four arms and four legs runs at top speed 50mph and screams like baboon at nearby travelers trespassing into our woods many more!

Creative Posts From Internet Poets

Move over, Shakespeare.
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double meaning Hall of Fame literalism philosophy tweet twitter - 4918074112
funny tweets, twitter, funny, memes, witty tweets, jokes, fresh tweets, relatable tweets, comedy, lol, covid-19 | Zack Budryk @BudrykZack single most important thing man can do be an ally is give his woman friends permission give dudes at bar his number so they call he can angrily say 's not funny because she died 15 years ago very night

36 Fresh & Funny Tweets For Easy Scrolling

A collection of some of the funniest recent tweets
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horrible pun dad jokes that still make us laugh for some reason

15 Hilarious Dad Jokes That Cracked Us Up This Week

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