

You must be on a quest if you've come to search here. Searching for the search is a arduous task full of danger and glory, and also maybe even a backspace or two. Google provides us with endless fill in the blanks that are truly hysterical and sometimes mildly disturbing. So if you like to see how ridiculous search engines can get, you won't be disappointed.

But Wouldn't This Be Easier?

book disney game hiding literalism search similar sounding waldo wall.e wheres waldo - 5120762880
Created by ArmadilloJr ( Via twitter.com )

The Search Has Come to an End

double meaning game ginger Harry Potter literalism magic Ron Weasley search title - 4925104128
Created by sophisticatedperv


double meaning outfit Party search waldo wheres waldo - 4505850112

He's Gone Off the Grid!

cannot chrome FAIL find google question search waldo wheres waldo - 5323256064
Created by KittehBoy1963