

Is that Thor's hammer or are you just ecstatic to see Marvel memes again? Whatever the case, you'll get your fair share of Marvel puns jokes and remixes that will have you chuckling the day away. So grab your Vibranium shield and your Iron Man suit and get ready to dive in.


comic marvel meme Rebecca Black similar sounding Thor - 4586009344

Ba-Dum Chk!

allies iron man marvel similar sounding - 6594778880
Created by DJNightmar3
loki Thor marvel homophones key Video suffix - 48571649

A Birthday Tune for Loki

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Don't Say it Too Loud or Marvel Will Steel It

allies iron man marvel philosoraptor similar sounding team - 6286785792
Via Reddit


character comic dead literalism marvel pool video game - 4708846592
Created by Stephail

Ovengers, Assemble!

avengers comic Hall of Fame literalism marvel oven prefix similar sounding The Avengers - 6213779200
Via Photokapi

Good Thing He's Not in an X-Men Movie...

added letter Hall of Fame literalism marvel Samuel L Jackson similar sounding The Avengers - 6218505472
Via Nate Smith

Loki's Burden

literalism loki marvel porpoise purpose similar sounding The Avengers - 6403165184
Via Geo the Bio

Happy Thorsday!

gifs Hall of Fame literalism marvel Nyan Cat prefix similar sounding The Avengers Thor - 6237495040
Via Cybergata

The Avengers

Hall of Fame homophones marvel names similar sounding The Avengers - 6232743424
Created by failbLOLg ( Via Uproxx )

Roberta Downey, Jr. Stars In...

double meaning iron iron man lady literalism marvel replacement shoop - 5853138688
Created by fbastage ( Via Empire Online )

SMP CLASSIC: The Punavengers

marvel The Avengers literalism homophones double meaning - 6855518464
Created by livinthedream5910

Iron-Strength Coffee With Rich Undertonys

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Created by LeSparta

CSI: Asgard

Horatio Cane - Movie - My lord, your brother has escaped! He slipped by the guards without them noticing! Sounds like he was pretty YEEAAAAHH low-key. SO MUCH PUN.COM
Via Reddit

Totally Rhombus!

adventure time avengers iron man literalism marvel similar sounding - 5918479104
Via Final Ellipsis

He Has a Very Thor-ough Resume

Hall of Fame homophones marvel prefix similar sounding The Avengers Thor - 6332214784
Via The Meta Picture
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