
double entendre

You know, whenever I start feeling a bit blue, I start breathing again. Double Entendre at it's finest. 

Touché, Splendid Accident

came double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo literalism SOON too - 5382485248
Created by Dopamina815 ( Via Cyanide & Happiness )

So Many People Do Every Day

apple cliché double entendre double meaning innuendo iphone literalism tap - 5831558912
Created by caio.L-D

Banana Hammock

banana banana hammock double entendre literalism double meaning - 6898782976
Via Reddit


double entendre double meaning excuse frog gross Hall of Fame innuendo kermit muppet reason the muppets - 5419502592

Sorin, Lord of Pickup Lines

magic the gathering innuendo tap double entendre double meaning - 7067081216

Wall I'll Be Damned

double entendre double meaning innuendo laid literalism - 6441333504
Created by PetePete


birds double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame literalism troll trolling - 4892866816

Just Let Me Know When You're Going to Crumb

cliché double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame hot innuendo inside literalism toast want - 5158984960
Created by xyzpdq1

A Very Kirby Valentine

kirby euphemism double entendre video games double meaning Valentines day - 7064307200
Via VG Cats


double entendre Hall of Fame innuendo literalism misinterpretation upset - 5021381888

Welcome to Television Circa 2013

question innuendo answer gross double entendre advice - 7114657792
Via Masterpiece in Chaos
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